Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 18th October, 2006 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail 

No. Item


Council Minutes

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council held on 19th July 2006.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 19th July 2006, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting be confirmed and adopted subject to the inclusion of the following Councillors within the list of attendees:


Councillors E. Cargill, Edge, Howard, Lloyd-Jones, Rowan, Stockton, Wallace and Worrall.


The Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor made the following announcements:

  • A glass front pipe cabinet had been presented to Private Thomas Alfred Jones VC DCM by the Scholars and Friends of the Ellesmere Street Sunday School, Runcorn, in recognition of his being awarded the Victoria Cross on 23rd November 1916. This had been re-presented to Halton Borough Council on 24th July 2006 by Mr. and Mrs. Shooter and his family for safekeeping and to be on display in the Mayor’s Parlour.
  • A photograph of the Silver Jubilee Bridge had been presented to the Mayor, Councillor John Swain, by Mr. Webb at the Summer Garden Party on 28th July 2006. The photograph was taken from Wigg Island looking down at the River and was now in the Members’ Room.
  • A photograph of the Widnes Vikings had been presented to the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy, Mr I. Leivesley, and the Leader of the Council, Councillor McDermott, at a sponsored match.
  • Member Services had won the APSE award for Member training and development. The staff and all those involved were congratulated.
  • Miss Katie Kelleher, a Job Broker (Halton People Into Jobs) within the Environment Directorate, had been runner-up in the “Young Local Government Thinker of the Year UK and Ireland”. Katie had produced a presentation based on the gambling regulations and law, and had been involved in an intense schedule on a four day residential. This had provided the opportunity to share best practice with other local government officers and Katie was congratulated on her success and re-presented by the Mayor with the certificate and medal she had received on the day.
  • Ms D. Terris, Strategic Director – Children and Young People, had been appointed as Chief Executive of Warrington Borough Council. The Mayor wished her the very best for the future.


Leader's Report


The Leader of the Council reported on the following issues:

  • It was disappointing that the Widnes Vikings had had a near miss in the Grand Final; however, it was hoped that they would come back strong the following season.
  • Daresbury had attracted publicity for Halton as, along with Harwell, it was a centre of research and innovation for the UK.
  • The Heath had won several awards including that for Peter Cook who had been nominated Businessman of the Year.
  • The Widnes Waterfront was developing and three businesses were now under construction.
  • Halebank was being regenerated in association with the 3 MG (Mersey Multi Modal Gateway).
  • Kingsway Leisure Centre had been closed by the Chief Executive as soon as there had been a hint of danger in respect of the recent legionella scare. It was hoped that this would be cleared up in the near future and the Centre reopened.
  • The Authority was continuing to lobby to achieve Assisted Area Status for Halton. However, despite Council D. Cargill’s valiant efforts, it looked as though a decision had been made to exclude the area. In the letter received, it was stated that the problems presented were not as dramatic as elsewhere. In addition, national indicators worked against the Council. On the positive side, this acknowledged some of the progress that had been made, and other European horizontal aid systems that were in place and would be explored.
  • The Colleges had now merged.
  • The Mersey Gateway project was proceeding and the Leader had been appointed Chair of North West Transport which would assist in the process.
  • The restructure of the Primary Care Trust was now complete and the hospital restructure project was ongoing.
  • Waste disposal was a current big issue for the Authority. It was noted that Halton would be unable to meet the requirements by itself and there was therefore a need to work with partners. Unfortunately, the previous partnership with Warrington had not been fruitful as the two Authorities together did not have the capacity to deliver what was required. In addition, there had been a diversion of priorities. An opportunity had arisen in Merseyside and this had been capitalised on rather than the Authority being left behind and isolated.
  • There had been an Executive Board Away Day where there had been a tentative look at the following year’s budget. Similar events would be held for the Policy and Performance Board Chairs and Committee Chairs towards the end of November.
  • Local Area Agreements were being developed and of particular interest was the community involvement and neighbourhood management involved. This was part of the Government’s Agenda and the aim was to secure the best deal possible locally.
  • The budget savings of £250,000 per Directorate promised in March 2006 were being achieved as explained in Executive Board Minute EXB 29 of the meeting held on 7th September 2006.
  • Minute no. EXB 31 of the same meeting outlined the development of the Liverpool John Lennon Airport, which would have benefits and opportunities for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31.

(NB Councillor McDermott declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of minute number EXB35 – 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust Model - of the Executive Board meeting held on 21st September 2006 due to being a Board Member of the 5 Boroughs Partnership.)


Minutes of the Executive Board


The Council considered the Minutes of the Executive Board held on 20th July, 7th September and 21st September 2006.


In response to concerns raised in respect of EXB 35 of the meeting held on 21st September 2006 – 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust Model – with respect to the major implications for Halton Hospital and the Council budget, and the need to ensure partnership working and that services were maintained, the Leader confirmed that this review would be carried out in the same way as that done previously with an independent consultant whose findings would be brought back to the Council.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.


Minutes of the Executive Board Sub-Committee


The Council considered the Minutes of the Executive Board Sub-Committee held on 20th July, 21st August, 7th September and 21st September 2006.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.


Minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board


The Council considered the Minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board held on 20th July 2006.


RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.


Questions Asked Under Standing Order No. 8


It was noted that no questions had been submitted in accordance with Standing Order No. 8.


Executive Board - 21st September 2006 (EXB38 refers) - Corporate Risk Register

The Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That the revised Corporate Risk Register be approved.


The Executive Board had considered a report reviewing the Corporate Risk Register.


RESOLVED: That the revised Corporate Risk Register be approved.


Executive Board - 21st September 2006 (EXB42 refers) - Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan Document

The Executive Board considered the attached report.

RECOMMENDED: That subject to the prior adoption of the revised Halton Local Development Scheme 2006/07:


(1)    Halton’s formal inclusion in the preparation of the Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan Document (to be known as the Halton Borough Council, Liverpool City Council, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, St. Helens Borough Council and Wirral Borough Council Joint Waste Development Plan Document) be approved;


(2)    the necessary financial arrangements be put in place to fund Halton’s contribution to the Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan Document for the next three financial years, commencing with the current financial year 2006/07; and


(3)    the Operational Director – Environmental and Regulatory Services (OD-ERS) be given delegated authority to determine all matters as indicated in column 1 of the table below in accordance with column 2 of the same table (other than those matters indicated to be determined by full Council).


                        Decision maker

1.                        2.


Agreement to join, fund and progress

progress joint                        Full Council

Waste DPD

SEA Scoping Report                        OD – ERS

Interim SEA                        OD – ERS

Approval Issues and Options                        OD – ERS

for public consultation

SEA Report to accompany

Preferred Options                        OD – ERS

Approval of Preferred Options                        Full Council

for public consultation

Submission of Waste DPD                        Full Council

Final Adoption of Waste DPD                        Full Council


The Executive Board had considered a report outlining a need for Halton’s inclusion in the preparation of a Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan document in collaboration with the other Merseyside authorities of Liverpool, St. Helens, Wirral, Sefton and Knowsley.


Observations were made regarding differing reasons offered by Warrington Borough Council officers and the portfolio holder with regard to the reason for the break in joint working, as well as the perceived lack of consultation with the relevant Policy and Performance Board (PPB) and Waste Management Working Party.


In response, the Chairman of the Waste Management Working Party confirmed that he had been involved up to this stage and both the PPB and the Working Party had been kept involved and fully informed. In addition, the relevant portfolio holder and the Leader confirmed that the relationship with Warrington Borough Council had been open and the partnership had appeared to finish on good terms. The Leader advised that a deadline had been set by the other Merseyside Authorities to which the Council had to respond and, in the opinion of Members and professional officers, the decision to join the Merseyside Authorities was more likely to deliver what was required within the necessary timescales.


RESOLVED: That subject to the prior adoption of the revised Halton Local Development Scheme 2006/2007:


(1)            Halton’s formal inclusion in the preparation of the Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan Document (to be known as the Halton Borough Council, Liverpool City Council, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, St. Helens Borough Council and Wirral Borough Council Joint Waste Development Plan document) be approved;


(2)       the necessary financial arrangements be put in place to fund Halton’s contribution to the Joint Merseyside Waste Development Plan Document for the next three financial years, commencing with the current financial year 2006/07; and


(3)       the Operational Director – Environmental and Regulatory Services (OD – ERS) be given delegated authority to determine all matters as indicated in column 1 of the table below in accordance with column 2 of the same table (other than those matters indicated to be determined by full Council).





Decision Maker


Agreement to join, fund and progress joint Waste DPD

Full Council

SEA Scoping Report


Interim SEA


Approval Issues and Options for public consultation


SEA Report to accompany Preferred Options


Approval of Preferred Options for public consultation

Full Council

Submission of Waste DPD

Full Council

Final Adoption of Waste DPD

Full Council


Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods Policy and Performance Board Annual Report

To consider the attached report.


The Council considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy outlining the Annual Report of the Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods Policy and Performance Board 2005-2006, which had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Chairman confirmed that the document outlined the work that had been done in respect of waste management and commended the Councillors and Officers involved.


RESOLVED: That the 2005-2006 Annual Report submitted from the Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods Policy and Performance Board be received.


Changes to Board/Committee Membership

In accordance with Standing Order No. 30(4), Council is advised of the following changes to Board membership:


Employment, Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board (PPB) – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Nolan;


Healthy Halton PPB – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Fraser; and


Appeals Panel – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Edge.


In accordance with Standing Orders, the Council noted the following changes to Board membership:

  • Employment, Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board (PPB) – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Nolan;
  • Healthy Halton PPB – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Fraser; and
  • Appeals Panel – Councillor Howard replaced Councillor Edge.


Changes to Appointments to Outside Bodies

Council is advised of the following changes in appointments to outside bodies, which have been made in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation (Matters Relating to Council Policy – 17):


Ineos Chlor Community Forum – Councillor Nelson replaced Councillor Swain;


Rocksavage Community Liaison Group – Councillor Nelson replaced Councillor Swain; and


Groundwork Mersey Valley – Councillor Wallace replaced Councillor Morley.


The Council noted the following changes in appointments to Outside Bodies, which had been made in accordance with the scheme of delegation:

  • INEOS Chlor Community Forum – Councillor Nelson replaced Councillor Swain;
  • Rocksavage Community Liaison Group – Councillor Nelson replaced Councillor Swain; and
  • Groundwork Mersey Valley – Councillor Wallace replaced Councillor Morley.


Minutes of Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board


The Council considered reports on the work of the following Boards in the period since the last meeting of the Council:


Children and Young People

Employment, Learning and Skills

Healthy Halton

Safer Halton    

Urban Renewal

Corporate Services

Business Efficiency Board


Committee Minutes


The Council considered reports on the following Committees in the period since the last meeting of the Council:


Development Control




Statutory Joint Scrutiny Committee