Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 7th March, 2007 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lynn Cairns on 0151 471 7529 or e-mail 

No. Item

Prior to the start of the meeting, the Mayor paid respects to Mr Pat Tyrrell who had recently passed away. It was noted that Mr Tyrrell had devoted approximately 40 years of his life to a range of public services and had been Mayor at Halton Borough Council in 2004.


The Council stood in silence for one minute.

(NB Councillor Hignett declared a personal interest in the following item of business due to his daughter being employed by Halton Borough Council.)


Executive Board - 22nd February 2007 - Budget 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 109 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report setting out a recommendation to Council in respect of the Budget, Capital Programme and Council Tax for 2007/08.




(1)    the Council adopt the resolution set out in Appendix A, which includes setting the budget at £95.041m and the Band D Council Tax for Halton (before Parish, Police and Fire precepts) of £1,043.45; and


(2)    the mover and seconder of the Motion submitted by the Liberal Democrat Group to full Council on 21st February 2007, and referred to the Executive Board under Standing Order No. 6(4), be afforded the opportunity by Full Council to resubmit the Motion as an amendment to the substantive Budget Motion.


            The Executive Board had considered a report setting out a recommendation to Council in respect of the Budget, Capital Programme and Council Tax for 2007/08. Information was provided for Members in respect of:


·        the Local Government Finance Settlement;

·        the Budget 2007/08;

·        the Budget Outlook;

·        the Capital Programme;

·        Halton’s Council Tax;

·        Parish Precepts;

·        Average Council Tax;

·        Police and Fire Precepts;

·        Total Council Tax; and

·        the Prudential Code.


The Executive Board had recommended that Council adopt the resolution set out in Appendix A of the report, which included setting the Budget at £95.041m and the Band D Council Tax for Halton (before Parish, Police and Fire precepts) of £1,043.45.


In addition, the Board had recommended that the mover and seconder of the Motion submitted by the Liberal Democrat Group to full Council on 21st March 2007, and referred to the Executive Board under Standing Order No. 6(4), be afforded the opportunity by Full Council to resubmit the Motion as an amendment to the substantive Budget Motion.


The following motion was moved and seconded by Councillor Wharton and Councillor McDermott respectively:




1.         the policies outlined in this paper be adopted, including the Budget for 2007/08, the growth and savings set out in Appendix B, the Capital Programme set out in Appendix C, and Prudential Indicators set out in Appendix D;


2.         it be noted that, at the meeting on 13th December 2006, the Council agreed the following:


(a)       for 2007/08, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003 and with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, a Council Tax Base of 37,392, being the amount calculated by the Council in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its Council Tax Base for the year, and


(b)       for the Parishes, the Council Tax base for each Parish for the year 2007/08 be set as follows:



Tax Base









Preston Brook



            being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Regulations, as the amounts of its Council Tax Base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which special items relate;


3.         in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (Sections 32 to 36), the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2007/08 and agreed as follows:


(a)       £271,145,384 – being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(2)(a) to (e) of the said Act;


(b)       £176,077,219 – being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 32(3)(a) to (c) of the said Act;


(c)        £95,068,165 – being the amount calculated by the Council for the year 2007/08 in accordance with Section 32(4) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as its budget requirement for the year;


(d)       £56,024,551 – being the aggregate of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.

(NB Councillor Hignett declared a personal interest in the following item of business due to his daughter being employed by Halton Borough Council.)


Executive Board - 22nd February 2007 - Departmental Service Plans 2007-10 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report.


RECOMMENDED: That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that may be required and to approve the final service plans.


            The Executive Board had considered a report requesting the adoption of the Council’s Departmental Service Plans for 2007-2010 as a basis for action and performance monitoring. A copy of the draft Service Plans had been circulated to all Members of the Council on a CD for consideration.


            RESOLVED: That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments and adjustments that may be required and to approve the final Service Plans.


Calendar of Meetings 2007-2008 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider the attached report.


            The Council considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy outlining a proposed calendar of meetings for the 2007-2008 Municipal Year.


            RESOLVED: That the Calendar of Meetings for the 2007-2008 Municipal Year, attached at Appendix 1 of the report, be approved.