Agenda and minutes

Council - Friday, 15th May, 2009 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item


Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor

To be moved by Councillor Stan Parker

To be seconded by Councillor Eddie Jones


“That Councillor Frank Fraser be elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2009/10”.


To be moved by Councillor Paul Nolan

To be seconded by Councillor Shaun Osborne


“That Councillor Marie Wright be elected Deputy Mayor for the Borough for the Municipal Year 2009/10”. 


            Moved by Councillor Stan Parker

            To be seconded by Councillor Eddie Jones


            RESOLVED: That Councillor Frank Fraser be elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2009/10.


            Moved by Councillor Paul Nolan

            And seconded by Councillor Shaun Osborne


            RESOLVED: That Councillor Marie Wright be elected Deputy Mayor for the Borough for the Municipal Year 2009/10.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 22nd April 2009 (enclosed).


            The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 22nd April 2009, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read, subject to Councillors J. and M. Bradshaw being added to the attendance list.



            RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting be confirmed and adopted.




The Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor announced that the charities to be supported during his term of office were Another Chance to Care (formerly Halton Fostering Families), HCPT The Pilgrimage Trust and The Widnes Fellowship Centre.




Executive Board (Selection Committee) - 13 May 2009

To formally approve the following recommendations of the Executive Board (Selection Committee).


(NB: The Executive Board will be meeting on 13th May 2009 to consider these recommendations. Any amendments will be reported to Council).



Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council

To receive a recommendation from the Executive Board on the appointment of Leader and Deputy Leader for the 2009-10 Municipal Year.


            RESOLVED: That


            (1) Councillor McDermott be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2009/2010; and


            (2) Councillor Polhill be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2009/2010.



Boards, Committee's, Appeal Panel and Working Party

To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor –


“That the following Boards, Committee’s, Appeals Panel and Working Party be constituted with the Membership as shown for the Municipal year 2009/10”.


(NB Information regarding Membership will be circulated as soon as possible).


Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board                                     (11)

Employment, Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board               (11)

Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board                                                  (11)

Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board                                              (11)

Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board                                             (11)

Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board                        (11)

Regulatory Committee                                                                                       (11)

Development Control Committee                                                                     (11)

Business Efficiency Board                                                                                (11)

Standards Committee                                                                                         (5)

Appeals Panel                                                                                                    (20)

Local Development Framework Working Party                                              (15)




            RESOLVED: That the Boards, Committees, Appeals Panel and Working Party be constituted with the membership as shown for the Municipal Year 2009/10:


Executive Board (10)

Councillors McDermott (Chairman), D. Cargill, Gerrard, Harris, McInerney, Nelson, Polhill, Swain, Wright and Wharton.


Executive Sub (3)

Councillors Wharton (Chairman), Harris and Nelson.

3MG Executive Sub-Board (3)

Councillors Polhill (Chairman), Nelson and Wright.


Mersey Gateway Executive Board (3)

Councillors McDermott (Chairman), Polhill and Wharton.


Corporate Services Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Gilligan (Chairman), A. Lowe (Vice Chair), J. Bradshaw, Browne, E. Cargill, Dennett, Edge, Inch, Nolan, Norddahl and Wainwright.


Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors E. Cargill (Chairman), J. Lowe (Vice Chair), Austin, Gilligan, Higginson, Horabin, Lloyd-Jones, Philbin, E. Ratcliffe, Swift and Wallace.


Urban Renewal Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Hignett (Chairman), Morley (Vice Chair), Balmer, P. Blackmore, E. Cargill, Hodgkinson, Leadbetter, Murray, Nolan, Rowe and Thompson.


Employment, Learning and Skills Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Jones (Chairman), Edge (Vice Chair), Austin, M. Bradshaw, Loftus, Findon, Howard, Parker, Rowe, Stockton and Worrall.


Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Dennett (Chairman), Horabin (Vice Chairman), Browne, Drakeley, Loftus, Gilligan, Higginson, J. Lowe, Parker, M. Ratcliffe and Stockton.


Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board (11)

Councillors Osborne (Chairman), Stockton (Vice Chair), M. Bradshaw, Edge, Lloyd-Jones, Morley, M. Ratcliffe, Redhead, Rowan, Shepherd and Thompson.


Development Control Committee (11)

Councillors Nolan (Chairman), Thompson (Vice Chairman), P. Blackmore, S. Blackmore, J. Bradshaw, Hignett, Hodgkinson, Leadbetter, Morley, Osborne and Polhill.


Business Efficiency Board (11)

Councillors Leadbetter (Chairman), Lloyd-Jones (Vice Chair), Inch, Jones, A. Lowe, Murray, Norddahl, Osborne, Philbin, Swift and Worrall.



Standards Committee (10)

Mr. W. Badrock (Chairman), Parish Councillor Crawford, Mr A. Luxton, Parish Councillor Canon David Felix, Mr. Robert Garner and Councillors Balmer, Parker, Redhead, Wainwright and Wharton.


Appeals Panel (20)

Councillors Wainwright (Chairman), Parker (Vice Chairman), Browne, Dennett, Findon, Loftus, Gerrard, Higginson, Hignett, Horabin, Howard, Jones, J. Lowe, Morley, M. Ratcliffe, Redhead, Shepherd, Swift, Wallace and Worrall.


Regulatory Committee (11)

Councillors Philbin (Chairman), Wallace (Vice-Chairman), Bryant, Drakeley, Howard, Inch, A. Lowe, Murray, E. Ratcliffe, Wainwright and Nelson.


Local Development Framework Working Party (15)

Councillors Polhill (Chairman), Balmer, S. Blackmore, Harris, Hignett, Hodgkinson, McDermott, McInerney, Nolan, Parker, Redhead, Rowan, Shepherd, Wainwright and Wright.


Mayoral Committee (5)

The incumbent Mayor (Councillor Fraser) and Councillors Gilligan, Hignett, Hodgkinson and Swift.


Scrutiny Co-Ordinator

Councillor S. Blackmore



Appointment of Scrutiny Co-ordinator

To appoint a Scrutiny Co-ordinator for the forthcoming Municipal Year.



Annual Review of Constitution pdf icon PDF 21 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached reports (also see enclosed disc).


To be moved and seconded by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor –


“That the Council’s Constitution be amended as proposed”.


            The Council’s Constitution had been reviewed and the proposed changes recommended were outlined in the report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy which had been circulated with the summons.


            One additional amendment was tabled related to amending any references to the old ward name of Castlefields to the new ward name ‘Halton Castle’.


            RESOLVED: That the Council’s Constitution be amended as proposed.



Executive Board Portfolios

The Leader will report on the portfolio holders on the Executive Board for the forthcoming year.


            The Leader confirmed that the Executive Board would consist of the following portfolio holders for the forthcoming year:


Children and Young People – Councillor McInerney

Health and Social Care – Councillor Gerrard

Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal – Councillor Polhill

Environment, Leisure and Sport – Councillor Harris

Community – Councillor Wright

European Affairs – Councillor D. Cargill

Corporate Services – Councillor Wharton

Quality and Performance – Councillor Swain

Neighbourhood Management and Development – Councillor Nelson.


            RESOLVED: That the portfolios be noted.



Civic Sunday

To note the arrangements for Civic Sunday as being 10.45am on Sunday 12th July 2009 at St. Bede’s Catholic Church, Appleton, Widnes.


            The Mayor announced his intention to attend Divine Service which would be held at 10.45 a.m. on Sunday 12th July 2009 at St. Bede’s Catholic Church, Appleton, Widnes and invited Members of the Council, employees, representatives of public bodies, organisations and associations within the Borough to join him.