Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 10th February, 2010 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 471 7529 or Email: 

No. Item




The minutes of the Council meeting held on 16 December 2009, having been printed and circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting be confirmed and adopted.




            There were no announcements from the Mayor.

(Councillor Hignett declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in the following item of business ( Leader’s Report), as his daughter is employed by Halton Borough Council)




            The Leader reported on the following issues:-


·        Mersey Gateway – The Authority was still awaiting the Inspector’s decision following the Public Inquiry. Nevertheless, preparations were continuing on the assumption of a favourable verdict;


·        Recent successes in Riverside College were reported as well as progress on Halton High opening in September 2010 as an Academy;


·        Work had commenced on building a new 1,600 capacity Millbank Linnetts Stadium at Halton Sports in Murdishaw, Runcorn;


·        Members received an update on the Accommodation Strategy prior to the start of the meeting. This gave details of the progress made so far on office accommodation at Catalyst House and Municipal Buildings and proposals to refurbish the Council Chamber at Runcorn Town Hall;


·        Members also received an update on the Efficiency Review and the progress that had been made in achieving the agreed outcomes;


The Leader also reported on the proposals by the Local Government Employer’s Organisation that there should be a pay freeze for 2010/11 for staff employed by all Local Authorities. The Leader proposed that Halton Borough Council would not support this approach and would advise the Local Government Employer’s Organisation accordingly.


In response, Councillor Browne indicated that the Conservative Group were in favour of a pay freeze for employees.






            The Council considered the Minutes of the Executive Board meeting held on 28 January 2010.


            In receiving the minutes, in respect of EXB 81, it was noted that the Care Quality Performance Rating for 2008/09 had judged the authority’s performance giving 6 grades of ‘Excellent’ and 1 grade of ‘Good’ in its recent assessment.


            The Council wished to place on record their thanks to all staff involved in the provision of social care services to adults.


            RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.




            The Council considered the Minutes of the Executive Board Sub- Committee meetings held on 17 December 2009, 14 January 2010 and 28 January 2010.


            RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.




            The Council considered the Minutes of the Mersey Gateway Executive Board meeting held on 28 January 2010.


            RESOLVED: That the Minutes be received.




            It was noted that no questions had been submitted under Standing Order No. 8.

(The Councillors shown below declared a Personal Interest in the following item of business relating to EXB80 of the Executive Board meeting held on                                 28 January 2010 due to being Governors or Chair of Governors of the schools described:-


Councillor  Swain - Pewithall CP School and  Farnworth Primary School

Councillors Nelson and Stockton –Grange School

Councillor Horabin – Simms Cross and Chestnut Lodge

Councillor Harris – All Saints (Upton) Primary School


The Councillors shown below declared a Personal and Prejudicial Interest in the following item of business relating to EXB80 of the Executive Board meeting held on 28 January 2010 due to being Governors or Chair of Governors of the schools described:-


Councillor Thompson- Palacefields School

Councillor Wallace – West Bank Primary School

Councillor Parker -  Warrington Road Day Nursery (Children’s Centre))


Capital Programme for Children and Young People Directorate 2010-11 - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 80 refers) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED: That the Council


(1)                     note the capital funding available for 2010/11, including those programmes where funding had been carried forward;


(2)                     approves the Capital Programme  for 2010/11; and


(3)                     note the Revenue implications associated with the Big Lottery Fund.



Additional documents:


            The Executive Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, providing a summary of the Capital Programme 2010/11 for the Children and Young People Directorate.


The total capital funding of £8,680,102, and how it was made up, was outlined within the report for Members’ information, together with details of the works to be funded. In addition, it was noted that the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) had approved a further advance of £500,000 from 2010/11 schools capital grant funding as an initiative to stimulate the economy. An overview of the Schools Capital Programme for 2010/11 was included for Members’ consideration.


 Halton had obtained funding from the Big Lottery Fund to deliver MyPlace on behalf of the DCSF. This was a discrete project unrelated to general Lottery funding. Funding had been allocated by DCSF to support personalisation, closing the attainment gap and the move towards universal access to technology. In addition, £49,661 had been allocated to enhance the existing children’s centre at Warrington Road, in order to integrate PCT services with children’s centre services.


Other funding allocations were detailed in the report.


            The Mayor, Councillor Fraser proposed and Councillor McDermott seconded the proposal and it was RESOLVED: That


(1)               the capital funding available for 2010/11, including those programmes where funding had been carried forward, be noted;


(2)               the Capital Programme  for 2010/11 be approved; and


(3)               the Revenue implications associated with the Big Lottery Fund be noted.


(Councillor Harris declared a Personal interest in the following item of business as the Halton Borough Council representative on the Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority)


Approval for Public Consultation: Merseyside Joint Waste Development Plan Document - Preferred Options Report - KEY DECISION (Minute EXB 82 refers) pdf icon PDF 757 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED : That the Council



(1)               approve and endorse the Preferred Options Report  for public consultation purposes subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 4.20 to 4.26 of the report; and


(2)               agree the commencement of the six-week public consultation process on the Waste DPD Preferred Options Report during February 2010.



The Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which sought approval for the Public Consultation: Merseyside Joint Waste Development Plan Document – Preferred Options Report, to go out to consultation.


            The Waste Development Plan Document (Waste DPD) had been produced by the Merseyside Environmental Advisory Services (MEAS) on behalf of the six greater Merseyside districts (which included Halton). The process was led by a Steering Group and overseen by the City Region Cabinet. Two public consultation exercises had already been completed in 2007 and 2009, the results of which had all been used to inform the preparation of the third public consultation stage – Preferred Options.


            The Preferred Options Report outlined the overarching strategy for waste management referred to as the Resource Recovery-led Strategy, and set out site allocations for waste management together with a supportive policy framework. Key issues covered in the report included:


·        Needs assessment and sites requirements;

·        Proposed site allocations for built facilities for waste uses;

·        Proposed landfill site allocations;

·        Policy on energy from waste; and

·        Development of management policies.


            A six–week public consultation period would start on 18 February and end on 31 March 2010. In addition, the process was planned to include statutory press notices and press releases, email and letter communication with all individuals and organisations on the Waste DPD database, together with copies of the report made available for public inspection at Council offices and public libraries. All responses, once evaluated, would feed into a Submission Document to be published early in 2011 and submitted to Government for formal consideration and scrutiny in March 2011. The final stage of the process would result in the adoption of the Waste DPD by each of the Merseyside districts as its Statutory Spatial Plan for Waste, scheduled for 2012.


Three sites had been identified within Halton and the locations detailed in paragraph 4.8 of the report.


Councillor McDermott sought to reassure the public in attendance at the meeting as well as all Members present, that at this stage no decisions had been made about the locations and that the public consultation process would give everyone an opportunity to make their views known. In addition, he gave assurances that the report would come to a future meeting of the Council for approval, after the consultation stage had been completed.



                        RESOLVED:  Without opposition, that


(1)               the Preferred Options Report be approved and endorsed for public consultation purposes, subject to the detailed comment in paragraph 4.20 to 4.26 of the report; and


(2)               the commencement of the six-week public consultation process on the Waste DPD Preferred Options Report during February 2010 be agreed.




Appointment to Development Control Committee and Scrutiny Co-ordinator role (Minute EXB83 refers) pdf icon PDF 20 KB

The Executive Board considered the attached report:-


RECOMMENDED : That the Council


(1)               note the vacancies on Development Control Committee and the Scrutiny Co-ordinator role; and


(2)               approves the appointment of Councillor Ernest Ratcliffe to the Development Control Committee and Councillor Mrs Margaret Ratcliffe to the Scrutiny Co-ordinator role.


            The Executive Board received a report of the Chief Executive on the nominations for Member Appointments to the Development Control Committee and the Scrutiny Co-ordinator Role.


            Under Standing Order 30 (3) a vacancy occurring on any Panel, Board or Committee of the Council shall be reported to Council by the Executive Board, together with a recommendation by the Board as to the name of the Member(s) proposed to fill any vacancy.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)               the vacancies that had occurred following the untimely death of Councillor Sue Blackmore be noted; and


(2)               the following Member Appointments be approved for the remainder of the 2009/10 Municipal Year:-


(a)      Councillor Ernest Ratcliffe be appointed to the Liberal Democrat vacancy on the Development Control Committee; and


(b)      Councillor Mrs Margaret Ratcliffe be appointed to the Scrutiny Co-ordinator Role.




In accordance with Standing Order 30 (4) the Council is advised of the following change of representation:


Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board – Councillor E Ratcliffe to be replaced by Councillor Bob Bryant.


            Proposed by The Mayor, Councillor Frank Fraser and seconded by Councillor McDermott, and in accordance with Standing Order 30 (4), the Council was advised of the following change of representation on the Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board:-


Councillor E Ratcliffe to be replaced by Councillor Bob Bryant.

(Councillor J Lowe declared a Personal Interest in the following item of business - Minute CYP36, Children and Young People PPB – Board member of YMCA)


Minutes of Policy and Performance Boards and Business Efficiency Board pdf icon PDF 52 KB


            The Council considered the reports on the works of the following Boards in the period since the meeting of the Council on 16 December 2009:-


Children and Young People

Employment, Learning and Skills

Healthy Halton

Safer Halton

Urban Renewal

Business Efficiency Board


            In receiving the minutes of the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board in respect of SAF39 (Food Safety in Halton), the Council wished to place on record their recognition and thanks to Stuart Baxter for  his valued and distinguished service with the Council.


            In receiving the Minutes of the Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board in respect of CYP37 (Placement Strategy Review), Members were reminded of their Corporate Parenting role as it applies within the Strategy.

(The Councillors shown below declared a Personal Interest in the following item of business - REG16 of the Regulatory Committee 18 January 2010:-


Councillor J Lowe –- attended the meeting in support of an objector, and her husband, Councillor A Lowe is a Member of the Committee

Councillor A Lowe  is a Member of the Regulatory Committee and his wife, Councillor J Lowe, attended the meeting in support of an objector)



Additional documents:


            The Council considered the reports on the works of the following Committees in the period since the meeting of the Council on 16 December 2009:-


Appointments Committee

Development Control

Regulatory Committee


In receiving the minutes of the Regulatory Committee the Chairman, Councillor Philbin wished to place on record the Committees’ thanks to Stuart Baxter for his valued and distinguished service with the Council.