Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor To be moved by Councillor J. Lowe and seconded by Councillor Abbott “That Councillor Mark Dennett be elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23” To be moved by Councillor Polhill and seconded by Councillor A McInerney “That Councillor Valerie Hill be elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23” Minutes: Moved by Councillor J Lowe and seconded by Councillor Abbott:- RESOLVED: That Councillor Mark Dennett be elected Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. Moved by Councillor Polhill and seconded by Councillor A McInerney:- RESOLVED: That Councillor Valerie Hill be elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 2 March 2022, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
The Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcement:- That the Charities he would support during his term of office would be:- · Runcorn Carers Centre; and · Widnes and Runcorn Cancer Support |
Leader's Report Minutes: This was Ian Leivesley’s, Strategic Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, last full Council meeting. Ian would be retiring on 31 May 2022, after 43 years in Local Government, of which 32 were at Halton Council. On behalf of the Council the Leader thanked Ian for his outstanding contribution moving the Borough forward and wished Ian a very happy retirement, Ian had been a great friend to everyone and would greatly be missed. |
Municipal Election Results 2022/23 To submit for
information the municipal election results (see attached). Minutes: Details of the Borough Council elections held on 5 May 2022 were submitted for information. RESOLVED: That the election results be noted. |
Executive Board (Selection Committee) 17 May 2022 To formally approve the following recommendations of the Executive Board (Selection Committee). (N.B. The Executive Board will be meeting on 17 May 2022 to consider these recommendations. Any amendments will be reported to Council). Minutes: The following results of the Executive Board (Selection Committee) were moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor. |
Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor:- “That Councillor Wharton be appointed as Leader of the Council
for the Municipal Year 2022/23 To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor: -
“That Councillor Thompson be appointed as Deputy Leader of
the Council for the Municipal Year 2022/23”. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Mike Wharton be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022/23 and Councillor Dave Thompson be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Boards, Committees and Panels To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor: “That the following Boards, Committees and Panels be
constituted with the membership as shown for the Municipal Year 2022/23” (N.B. information regarding membership will be circulated as
soon as possible) Minutes: RESOLVED: That the Boards, Committees and Appeals Panel be constituted with the membership as shown for the Municipal Year 2022/23:- Executive Board (9) Councillors Wharton, (Chair), Harris, J. Lowe, M. Lloyd Jones, T.
McInerney, Nelson, P. Nolan, Thompson and Wright. Health &
Wellbeing Board Councillors Wright (Chair), J. Lowe, T. McInerney and Woolfall. Corporate Policy and Performance Board
(11) Councillors Gilligan (Chair), Philbin (Vice Chair), Hutchinson,
P. Lloyd Jones, A. Lowe, N. Plumpton Walsh, Stockton,
Angela Teeling, Thornton, Wainwright and Wall. Health Policy and Performance Board (11) Councillors P. Lloyd Jones (Chair), Baker (Vice Chair), Ball, Bevan, J.
Bradshaw, D. Cargill, Dourley, Goodall, Leck,
McDermott and L. Nolan. Environment and Urban Renewal Policy and
Performance Board (11) Councillors
Woolfall (Chair), Fry (Vice Chair), Ball, D. Cargill, Davidson, Gilligan, S.
Hill, Logan, McDermott, Stretch and Thornton. Employment, Learning, Skills and Community
Policy and Performance Board (11) Councillors Jones
(Chair), E. Cargill (Vice Chair), Begg, Dourley, Garner, S. Hill, Logan, C. Plumpton
Walsh, Rowe, Stretch and Aimee Teeling. Children, Young People and Families Policy
and Performance Board (11) Councillors Logan
(Chair), C. Plumpton Walsh (Vice Chair), Abbott, M.
Bradshaw, Bramwell, Carlin, Goodall, V. Hill, Jones,
Loftus and Aimee Teeling. Safer Policy and Performance Board (11) Councillors N. Plumpton Walsh (Chair), V. Hill
(Vice Chair) Baker, Begg, Bevan, Bramwell,
Carlin, Loftus, A. McInerney, Ratcliffe and Wall. Development Management Committee (11) Councillors S. Hill
(Chair), Leck (Vice Chair), Abbott, J. Bradshaw, Carlin, Hutchinson, A. Lowe, Philbin,
Polhill, Thompson, Woolfall. Audit and Governance Board (11) Councillors Polhill
(Chair), A. Lowe (Vice Chair), J. Bradshaw, E. Cargill, Garner, Harris,
Jones, McDermott, L. Nolan, Philbin and Wallace. Regulatory
Committee (11) Councillors Wallace
(Chair), Abbott (Vice-Chair), D. Cargill, Dourley,
Fry, Loftus, A.
McInerney, Stockton, Angela Teeling, Wainwright and
Woolfall. Mayoral Committee (5)Councillors
Dennett, Gilligan, Philbin, Rowe and Wright. Appointments Committee (6) Councillors Wharton
(Leader), Thompson (Deputy Leader), P. Nolan (or another portfolio holder as
selected by Leader), McDermott (or a Chair of a PPB, selected by Leader)
Ratcliffe and J. Bradshaw. Scrutiny
Co-Ordinator: Councillor McDermott.
Appointment of Scrutiny Co-ordinator To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor:- “To appoint a Scrutiny Co-ordinator for the Municipal Year
2022/23 as set out in the tabled document” Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Tony McDermott be appointed Scrutiny Co-ordinator for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Appointment of Co-optee To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor:- “That the following appointment be confirmed: 1) The re-appointment of Mr David Wilson as the Healthwatch Halton representative and non-voting Co-optee to the Health Policy and Performance Board for the Municipal Year 2022/23. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Mr David Wilson be re-appointed as the Healthwatch Halton representative and non-voting Co-optee to the Health Policy and Performance Board for the Municipal Year 2022/23. |
Appointment of Outside Bodies To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor:- “That Council consider the list of outside bodies circulated”. Minutes: The Council considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, regarding the appointment of Members to serve on various Outside Bodies. A document was tabled showing the recommendations put forward. RESOLVED: That representatives be appointed to Outside Bodies in accordance with the tabled document. |
Executive Board Portfolios The Leader will report on the Portfolio holders for
Executive Board for the Municipal Year 2022/23 which will also be tabled. Minutes: The Leader confirmed that the Executive Board would consist of the following Portfolio holders for the Municipal Year 2022/23:- Leader – Councillor
Wharton - Overall Leadership and Corporate Strategy, Communications and Liverpool
City Region matters Deputy Leader – Councillor
Thompson - Leadership on Cheshire Sub-Regional matters and Major Projects Councillor T. McInerney - Children and Young People Councillor J. Lowe - Adult Social Care Councillor Wright -
Health and Wellbeing Councillor M. Lloyd
Jones - Community Safety Councillor Nelson -
Environmental & Urban Renewal Councillor P. Nolan
- Employment, Learning & Skills and Community Councillor Harris - Climate Change RESOLVED: That the Portfolios be noted. |
RECOMMENDED: That Council appoint the Chief Executive Stephen
Young to carry out the Electoral Registration Officer Functions for the
registration of Parliamentary and Local Government Electors and the Returning
Officer Functions for Parliamentary, Local, Parish, Combined Authority Mayoral,
Police & Crime Commissioner Elections and Referenda under all relevant
legislation and to act as the Proper Officer for all related functions and
relevant legislation with immediate effect. Minutes: Council
considered a report of the Chief Executive, which sought approval that the
statutory duties in relation to Electoral Administration and of the Returning
Officer in relation to all Elections and Referenda be assigned to the Chief Executive.
The report was brought before Members in light of the forthcoming retirement of
Ian Leivesley, who was the Council’s Electoral Registration Officer and Proper
Officer for electoral purposes, and also the recent appointment of Stephen
Young as Chief Executive. RESOLVED:
That the Council appoint Chief
Executive Stephen Young to carry out the Electoral Registration Officer
Functions for the registration of Parliamentary and Local Government Electors
and the Returning Officer Functions for Parliamentary, Local, Parish, Combined
Authority Mayoral, Police & Crime Commissioner Elections and Referenda
under all relevant legislation and to act as the Proper Officer for all related
functions and relevant legislation with immediate effect. |
Updates to Council Constitution 2022 (minute EXB 94 Refers) Executive Board considered a report of the Strategic
Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which sought approval of a
number of changes to the Council’s Constitution. RECOMMENDED: That Council approve the revised Constitution, including the matters set out in Appendix 1, attached to the report. Minutes: Executive Board had considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which sought approval of a number of changes to the Council’s Constitution. RESOLVED: That Council approve the revised Constitution, including the matters set out in Appendix 1, attached to the report. |
revised code of conduct for members (minute AGB25 refers) RECOMMENDED: That Council adopt the revised Code of Conduct for Members attached to the report as Appendix 1. Additional documents: Minutes: Audit and Governance Board had considered a report of the RESOLVED: That the revised Code of Conduct for Members attached to the report as Appendix 1 be adopted. |
Civic Sunday To note that the
Mayor’s Civic Sunday Service will be held at St Michael’s & All Angels
Church, Greenway Road, Runcorn, WA7 5BS, on Sunday 17th July 2022, at 10am. Minutes: The Mayor announced his intention to attend a Civic Service at St Michael’s & All Angels Church, Greenway Road, Runcorn, WA7 5BS, on Sunday 17th July 2022, at 10am. |