Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 20 May 2022 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
The Mayor's Announcements Minutes: The Mayor made the following announcements:- · a Civic Service would be held at St Michael’s & All Angels Church, Greenway Road, Runcorn, WA7 5BS, on Sunday 17th July 2022, at 10am; and · an update on forthcoming Mayor’s charity fund raising activities and recent invitations he had received. |
Leader's Report Minutes: There
was no Leader’s Report for this meeting due to sickness absence. |
Minutes: The Council considered a report of
the Chief Executive, on the urgent decisions taken since the last meeting of the
Council. RESOLVED: That Council note
the report. |
Minutes of the Executive Board Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the minutes of the Executive Board meetings on 17 March, 14 April, 17 May and 16 June 2022. RESOLVED: That the minutes be received. |
Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board Minutes: The Council considered the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on 23 March 2022. RESOLVED: That the minutes be received. |
Questions Asked Under Standing Order 8 Minutes: It was
noted that no questions had been submitted under Standing Order No. 8. |
Pay Policy Statement 2022 – 2023 Council is
asked to consider the attached report. RECOMMENDATION: That Council adopts this Pay Policy Statement for the
Financial Year 2022/23. Minutes: The Council considered the attached Pay Policy Statement for the Financial Year 2022/23. RESOLVED: That Council
adopts this Pay Policy Statement for the Financial Year 2022/23. |
Strategic Director Enterprise, Community and Resources Delegations Council is asked to consider the attached report. RECOMMENDED: That 1. the
allocations to the individuals identified in this report be approved; and 2. these
allocations be reviewed following any future restructuring undertaken by the
Chief Executive Minutes: The Council was asked to consider the attached report. RESOLVED: That 1. the allocations to the individuals identified in this report be approved; and 2. these allocations be reviewed following any future restructuring undertaken by the Chief Executive. |
Arrangements for Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care System Joint Scrutiny Committee Council is asked to consider the attached report: RECOMMENDATION: That Council approve 1)
establishment of a Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System Joint Health
Scrutiny Committee; 2)
the amended
“Protocol for the establishment of Joint Health Scrutiny Arrangements in
Cheshire and Merseyside” be adopted; and 3)
Council nominates 2 Labour Councillors to sit on the new Committee for 2022/23. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report on the proposed arrangements for Cheshire & Merseyside Integrated Care System Joint Scrutiny Committee. RESOLVED: That Council approve 1)
establishment of a Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System Joint Health
Scrutiny Committee; 2)
amended “Protocol for the establishment of Joint Health Scrutiny Arrangements
in Cheshire and Merseyside” be adopted; and 3)
that Councillors
Dourley and P. Lloyd Jones be nominated
to sit on the new Committee for 2022/23. |
Minutes of the Policy and Performance Boards and the Audit and Governance Board Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the reports of the following Boards in the period
since the meeting of Council on 2 March 2022:- ·
Children, Young People and Families; ·
Employment, Learning, Skills and Community ·
Health; ·
Environment and Urban Renewal; ·
Corporate Services; and ·
Audit & Governance Board. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the reports of the following Committees in the
period since the meeting of Council on 2 March 2022:- ·
Development Management; and ·
Taxi Licensing Sub Committee |
Notice of Motion - SPRINKLERS SAVE LIVES AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE Minutes: Council considered a Notice of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order No. 6. The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Nelson and seconded by Councillor Harris:- This Council commends the Cheshire Fire
& Rescue Service in its continuing efforts to save lives and believes it to
be an exemplar in driving policy that requires the installation of all
buildings to have sprinklers, whether they be in new built or retrospective
fitting. Sprinklers are proven to provide an
effective first response to fire in buildings and play a vital role in saving
lives. There have been no recorded fire deaths in a building fitted with
correctly installed and maintained residential sprinklers. Halton Council
takes the view that legislative change is required to national planning and
building policy in order to ensure that the installation of sprinklers is
undertaken in every new premises, and in high-risk premises that would benefit
from retrofitting sprinklers. We oppose current moves that would weaken the
requirement to have sprinkler provision in schools (Building Bulletin 100). This Council resolves: To explore local policy options for Halton to promote and ensure sprinkler inclusion locally in
all new build premises, whether they be Council owned or not, and to explore
options to retrofit systems where possible. To write to the Secretary of State for the
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and local Members of
Parliament to promote changes to the law to require sprinklers in all new built
premises. Furthermore, Council seeks that local authorities be awarded grant
funding to support the retrofitting of sprinklers in all public buildings. To write to the Secretary of State for the
Department for Education, to strongly condemn the proposed removal of sprinkler
provisions from the revision of the design guide for fire safety in schools
(Building Bulletin 100) and to request that the requirement for sprinklers in
all schools are strengthened rather than removed. RESOLVED: That the motion be approved. |
Notice of motion - Hillsborough Minutes: Council considered a Notice of Motion submitted in accordance with
Standing Order No. 6. The following Motion was proposed by
Councillor Wainwright and seconded by Councillor Fry:- Halton Council commends
survivors and the families of the ninety-seven fans who lost their lives as a
result of the Hillsborough disaster for their three-decade campaign for
justice. The Council also notes that Kevin Sampson’s recent drama for
ITV, Anne - considered a masterpiece by many - has
highlighted once again the fact that, despite the ninety-seven having been
unlawfully killed, to date no individuals or organisations have been held
accountable for their deaths. The Council further notes that the impact of the campaign of
lies, smears and propaganda orchestrated by South Yorkshire Police in 1989 and
promoted by willing politicians and media continues to this day, with far too
many members of the public even now parroting discredited lies about the
behaviour of Liverpool fans in attendance at Hillsborough on 15 April 1989. It is not surprising to Council that many families of the
ninety-seven and Hillsborough survivors have expressed despair at this
continuation of lies about Hillsborough. Halton Council therefore undertakes to
support the ‘Real Truth Legacy Project’ led by Ian Byrne in conjunction with
many Hillsborough families and survivors. This is a campaign which seeks to
ensure that current and future generations learn the truth about Hillsborough
and aims to ensure that school children in Liverpool and the wider Liverpool
City Region initially have access to a definitive account of the disaster and
the subsequent cover-up. The Council hereby notes its support for a key element of
The Real Truth Legacy Project which is to have education about Hillsborough
added to the National Curriculum, including a dedicated “Hillsborough Day” in
Liverpool and the wider Liverpool City Region, to take place on the nearest day
suitable to the anniversary of the tragedy on 15th April each year. The Hillsborough Day would see every Halton
and Liverpool City Region primary and secondary school taking part in a special
assembly to mark the anniversary and to learn more about the disaster, the
cover-up and the fight for justice through dedicated teaching resource packs
made available to every school in the city region by local education leads. For the sake of past and future generations, this is
something Halton Council feels it must get behind and
calls on all councils in the Liverpool City Region and beyond to add their
support to the Real Truth Legacy Project. RESOLVED: That
the motion be approved. |