Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2015 were agreed and signed as a correct record. |
Health and Wellbeing Minutes Additional documents: |
Councillor Martha Lloyd Jones declared a Discloseable Other Interest in
the following item as her husband was a Governor of Warrington and Halton
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. |
Rapid Clinical Assessment Minutes: The Board received an update from the Strategic Director, People and Economy, on the clinical service development. The Chairman introduced Professor Bhowmick from Warrington and Halton Hospital Foundation Trust, (WHHFT) who addressed the Board and assisted in presenting the item. It was reported that as part of the wider Health and Wellbeing agenda, the local statutory and independent sector organisations were committed to developing more services in the Borough which supported clinical diagnostics and assessment in or closer to people’s homes. The development of the Urgent Care Centres was a key example of how this intention was delivered in practice bringing together a range of health and social care organisations. The Board was advised that older people became unwell for a variety of complex reasons and sometimes required hospital attendance or admission for consultant led diagnostics and assessment. Further, moving older people out of their home environment to a hospital, particularly frail older people aged 75+ posed a number of significant issues and risks to their health and wellbeing, including disorientation, confusion, falls, functional decline and risk of hospital acquired infection. Finding clinically suitable alternatives to hospital was therefore important for this group. Members were advised that the Rapid Access and Rehabilitation Service had operated in the Borough for over 13 years. The team comprised non-medical professionals from health and social care and worked with adults and older people who required assessment, treatment, care and support with the aim of preventing hospital admission and reducing the length of hospital stay. The service worked with people in their own homes and also within dedicated intermediate care beds located within the Borough. It was noted that in collaboration with Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust the service was enhancing its model of care with the addition of a Care of the Elderly consultant. This model would be designed to deliver rapid, higher level diagnostics and assessment for referrals from the primary care team. In response to Members’ queries it was noted that the development of the service was well advanced and staff were being trained on actual patients in their homes. It was planned that referrals would be accepted from end of November / beginning of December. RESOLVED: That the contents of the report be noted. |
Councillor Martha Lloyd Jones declared a Discloseable Other Interest in the following item as her husband was a Governor of Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. |
Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Car Parking Penalty Notices - Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an update from Mel Pickup and Steve McGuire from Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WHHFT) following the Health Policy and Performance Board (HPPB) meeting held on 28 July 2015, which considered the current parking penalty charges and process in place at the Halton and Warrington Hospital sites. The Board was advised that the responses to the questions posed at the meeting and submitted to the Trust in July 2015 were attached to the report in Appendix 1. These questions related to: · The Tender Process; · Patient Confidentiality; · The Equality Act; · The British Parking Association and Signage at the Trust; and · Refunds The Chairman introduced Councillor Thompson who presented WHHFT with 5 further questions and tabled information relating to car park usage, charges and penalties of 24 Acute NHS Trusts in the North West of England, which highlighted the comparisons between them and the car park usage, charges and penalties issued at Halton Hospital. Following discussions it was agreed that Officers would provide WHHFT with information on who to discuss the options with regarding the adopted highway. RESOLVED: That the Board notes the contents of the report and associated appendix. |
Closure of the Independent Living Fund Minutes: The Board received a report from the Strategic Director, People and Economy, which updated them on the closure of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) and the progress of the project group established to undertake a reassessment of all ILF recipients prior to 30 June 2015. Members were advised that after an independent review in 2007, the Government acknowledged that the ILF system was inequitable for people and operated outside of care systems operated by the Local Authorities. Subsequently it was decided to close the ILF on 30 June 2015 with the ILF users being transferred to the management of the Local Authority. It was noted that an attrition rate of 5% was applied to the overall costs that the Council would receive. To assist this process, a project team was established to review the 51 ILF recipients which was completed before the transfer date. Based on the reviews, statistical information had been calculated and was provided under paragraph 3.6 of the report. The report also went on to advise that there were no indications from Government regarding the ongoing funding of these packages for 2016-17 and beyond or whether further attrition rates would be applied. If further funding was not received, the cost to Halton Council to continue to support people at the current levels of care was a concern for Members, as was the impact that this would have on the Complex Care pooled budget. RESOLVED: That the Policy and Performance Board receives the ILF update report and the contents be noted. |
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Minutes: The Board received a report which provided an update and highlighted key issues with respect to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Members were reminded that DoLS were one aspect of the Mental Capacity Act (2005). The Safeguards were to ensure that people in care homes and hospitals were cared for in a way that did not inappropriately restrict their freedom, and if necessary restrictions were only applied in a safe and correct way and that this was only done when it was in the best interests of the person and there was no other way to provide appropriate care. The key issues in relation to DoLS was discussed in the report and noted by Members. The Chairman requested that a further update be presented to the Board at a future meeting. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Care Act Implementation - Current Position Minutes: The Board received an update on progress and the impact of implementation on Phase 1 of the Care Act and was informed of the postponement and consequences of Phase 2 of the Care Act to 2020. It was noted that on 1 April 2015 the Care Act came into force and Halton now had certain duties placed upon them (discussed in paragraph 3.1 of the report). It was reported that progress had been made on the implementation of this and all aspects of the Care Act and that Halton could now demonstrate full compliance with all areas (detailed in paragraph 3.2). Members discussed the expected impact of Phase 1 in Halton and the postponement of Phase 2 until April 2020, as decided by the Department of Health (DH). RESOLVED: That the Board notes the contents of the report and the impact and risks associated with the implementation of the Care Act 2015. |