Venue: Via remote access (please contact below for instructions)
Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 August 2020 were signed as a correct record. |
Public Question Time PDF 67 KB Minutes: It was confirmed that no public questions had been received. |
Covid-19 Response Update PDF 58 KB Minutes: The Board received a report and supporting presentation from the Public
Health Department, on the most recent data on COVID-19 Coronavirus for
Halton. This included the latest update on Halton’s
outbreak support team and how it was working within the contain framework to
successfully identify and manage local outbreaks using information from NHS
Test and Trace and how this worked with the Cheshire Hub. Information was
also provided on the most recent information on Halton’s
testing approach in the community and for schools. Following Members questions the following was noted: ·
virus was very easy to transmit so the rise in cases in Halton was not a
surprise but it did happen a couple of weeks earlier than expected; ·
testing had contributed to the rise in numbers as more cases were now
identified than before; ·
rise in cases in Halton could not be attributed to young people alone – the
data suggested that the spread was even across Widnes and Runcorn and between
males and females; ·
experiencing and struggling with the loss of a loved one due to Covid-19 could
be signposted to the usual mental health services available via their GP; ·
fact that a private company delivered the Test
and Trace service was irrespective – it was a national system and it was
recognised that the scope and scale of the task would be huge for any
organisation; and ·
had been undertaking its own localised contact tracing for a number of weeks
and this had provided additional intelligence of where cases were, so that a
local picture could be formed. RESOLVED: That the presentation be received and content noted. |
Minutes: The Board received an update on the progress of the NHS First Project
from the Chief Clinical Officer, NHS Halton CCG. It was reported that the NHS 111 First was a National Programme
that would be rolled out in all systems by December 2020. This was the
point of contact, as well as GP practices, that people went to when
experiencing a health issue that was not immediately life threatening.
Members were advised that with COVID-19 still being a real threat the adapted
responses to delivery of the Programme must be maintained. The report discussed the national expectations of the Programme and it
was noted that Warrington was one of two ‘early mover’ sites in the North West,
which went live with NHS 111 First on
8 September 2020. Warrington would cover the Warrington CCG population
and the Runcorn part of Halton’s population and the
St Helens system would include Halton’s Widnes
population when it goes live by December 2020. The following additional information
was provided following Members queries: ·
Project had gone live with only a soft launch so far, as it was not yet
available in all North West areas, this included press releases and contact
with engagement groups for example; ·
structured communications plan would be prepared in time for when the wider
North West area was live with the Project and would include raising awareness
across all areas; this plan would be shared with LA colleagues and Members; ·
modelling for the Project was based on demand and capacity and managing demand
differently, so patients should be treated in less time although very ill
patients would still be prioritised; and ·
West Ambulance Service (NWAS) had been consulted on this and the Chief
Executive was the lead officer; it was noted that it would cause no ambulances
to be deflected when the Project started. RESOLVED: That the update and progress be noted. |
Halton Urgent Treatment Centres PDF 89 KB Minutes: The Board received a report from the Chief Commissioner, NHS Halton CCG, which updated them on the designation and mobilisation of the Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC’s). It was reported that the recovery, restoration and reset plans were well underway and it was critical that both Urgent Care Centres were fully operational and designated as Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC’s) by the beginning of October 2020. Members received the progress made to date of both UTC’s and information was provided on the core set of standards for urgent treatment centres and the areas they covered. Details were also provided on the clinical system developments, where it was explained that Runcorn and Widnes UTC’s used different types. Members welcomed the update and the Commissioner stated that performance data would be submitted to a future meeting of the Board. RESOLVED: That the Board notes: 1) the progress towards re-classifying both Urgent Care Centres to become Urgent Treatment Centres as of October 2020; 2) the risks identified with the national contracting arrangements and the contract variations as noted in the body of the report; and 3) the progress made to date and support the Chief Commissioner in advancing the UTC specification and national requirements. |
Minutes: The Board received an update on the Adult ADHD Service following the
closure of the service by North West Boroughs Community Health Foundation Trust
in November 2019. The report provided the background to the service and advised Members that
unfortunately the primary option for the future delivery of the service was no
longer viable, due to some difficulties in securing investment from the partner
CCGs’s Consequently, a secondary option was
being explored with an alternative provider. It was noted that once
feasibility and costs had been clarified, a proposal would be made to the
Integrated Management Team of NHS Halton CCG for a decision on supporting the
proposal. A further update on the progression of this would be provided to the
Board at a future meeting and in the meantime, the Board requested to be kept
informed of any update via email. RESOLVED: That the update is
noted. |
Minutes: The Board received an update from the Chief
Commissioner NHS Halton CCG, on the status of the realignment of stroke
services across the Mid-Mersey health economy. It was reported that in 2018 the reconfiguration
of stroke services between St Helens and Warrington Hospitals began and was
completed by the end of the same year.
The report outlined the pathways and processes of the service since the
realignment. It was noted that these
were working well and the relationship between the two acute trusts and the
community stroke service remained strong. Members welcomed the report and news that the
reconfiguration of the Stroke Services was now complete. RESOLVED:
That the Board 1) note that the reconfiguration of
Stroke Services between St Helens and Knowsley
Hospitals and Warrington and Halton Hospitals was complete; and 2) note that Whiston
Hospital site had been designated as the hyper acute unit, receiving all stroke
patients requiring acute care and has ring fenced beds for both the acute and
rehabilitation phase; Warrington Hospital has a dedicated stroke rehabilitation
unit. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received a report from the Strategic
Director – People, which presented the following draft Policies: ·
Home Assistance Policy 2020-2023 (public facing
document); and ·
Adaptations for Disabled People Policy and Procedure (for staff). It was reported that both documents were
concerned with the Council’s provision of housing adaptations to assist
disabled people to continue living independently at home when appropriate. Members were advised of some minor changes to
practice, to be brought in by these
updated Policies, as described in paragraph 4 (pages 52 and 53 of the Home Adaptations for Disabled People Policy
and Procedures). These would align
all adaptations with the successful extended warranty approach already in place
for stair lifts. Information regarding
this approach was provided at appendix 1 with a draft copy of the Home
Adaptations for Disabled People Policy and Procedure – February 2020. RESOLVED:
That the Board notes the report, revised policies and changes to practice. |
Minutes: The Board received a report from the Strategic
Director – People, which provided an overview of the Transforming Domiciliary
Care Programme and Adult Social Care response to the Healthwatch Survey undertaken in October 2019. The Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme commenced in 2016 with the aim of improving the
provision and quality of care commissioned by Halton Borough Council. A Programme Board
was established in 2018 and in 2019 the original programme
of work was reviewed and updated following consultation with key stakeholders. It was noted that the overall purpose of the Programme remained the same, to provide a modern and
sustainable domiciliary care service across Halton. There were five Programme
aims that had been identified; these were listed in paragraph 3.3 of the
report. Members were advised that following development
of a Work Programme a series of workstreams
were established (paragraph 3.4) and each workstream
reported into the Transforming Domiciliary Care Programme
Board. Officers advised Members that
these workstreams had to be paused due to the
Pandemic, but would be resumed as soon as possible. The Board’s Co-opted Member from Healthwatch
offered their assistance with the Outcomes workstream. Further to the publication of Healthwatch Halton’s
survey of people in receipt of domiciliary care in October 2019, the Board was referred to the 9 key areas for
consideration that emerged from this.
These were outlined in the report together with the Council’s responses. RESOLVED:
That the report is noted. |
Performance Management Reports, Quarter 1 2020/21 PDF 57 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Performance Management Reports for quarter 1 of 2020-21. Members were advised that the report introduced, through the submission of a structured thematic performance report, the progress of key performance indicators, milestones and targets relating to Health in quarter 1 of 2020-21. This included a description of factors, which were affecting the service. The Board was requested to consider the progress and performance information and raise any questions or points for clarification; and highlight any areas of interest or concern for reporting at future meetings of the Board. It was reported and noted by Members that the Public Health data (pages 92-98) was unavailable, due to the Covid-19 response. RESOLVED: That the Performance Management Reports for quarter 1 be received. |