Agenda and minutes

Health Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 12th June, 2007 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Caroline Halpin on 0151 471 7394 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meetings held on 13 March and 3 April 2007 having been printed and circulated were signed as a correct record.


Public Question Time


            It was confirmed that no public questions had been received.


Executive Board MInutes


            The Board considered the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board Sub Committee relevant to the Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board.


            RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted.

(N.B Councillor Wallace declared a personal interest in the following item as she attended a meeting regarding appraisal for funding for this project.)


Mens Health


The Board received a presentation from Anna Nygaard, Health Improvement Manager from Halton & St Helens PCT, regarding the development of a targeted campaign to support a Men’s Health Programme across Neighbourhood Management Areas in Halton.  The presentation outlined the following:


  • The need for a men’s health campaign;
  • Current recommendations;
  • National and Halton picture;
  • The campaign approach;
  • Evaluation;
  • Timeline; and
  • Summary.


The Board was provided with the data sources that had informed the Halton profile and statistics of Halton Lifestyles. The objective was to increase men’s access to services, prevention, lifestyles and referrals, the defining characteristics of the target group, segmentation, the process and its content plus details of the external evaluation from the University of Liverpool was also provided.


Arising from the presentation Members discussed various issues such as the amount of funding,  the need for a focus group of men in order to carry out research, the need for an exit strategy and the source of funding once the Neighbourhood Management monies had ran out.  The Board was advised that the Assistant Director of Public Health had confirmed that the whole costs of this project would be picked up if the programme was still successful in three years time.


The Chairman thanked Ms Nygaard for an informative presentation.


RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted.

(N.B Councillor Lloyd Jones declared a personal interest in the following item plus 5a, 5c and 5f as her husband is a non-executive director of the PCT.)


Widnes Estates Strategy


            The Board considered a report from Alan Rice – Operational Director, Primary Care Trust (PCT) – which provided an update of the progress that followed the consultation carried out by Halton and St Helens PCT in 2006.


            It was reported that the building of new premises to locate Beaconsfield Road Surgery to the new site on Peelhouse Lane was expected to commence in August 2007.  Ditton Medical Centre on Blundell Road had relocated to the Health Care Resource Centre (HCRC). It was noted that a service specification had been developed to encompass the delivery of service for Upton Rocks and Hale Village and Hale Bank surgery by one provider. Therefore there could be one combined service for all three areas. Tenders had been received and the bids were being considered. The Board was informed of other surgeries that were looking to be developed which were Appleton and Beechers.


            Members raised queries regarding the number of residents that the new combined surgery would cover.  In reply it was noted that it would depend on the preferred bidder. One option being to have a full time doctor at Upton Rocks and a full time / full and half time doctor at Hale Village and Hale Bank over five days a week.  In addition Members discussed the need for a patient panel to be aligned with each surgery.


            RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.





(N.B Councillor Higginson declared a personal interest in the following item as he would be accessing this service in the near future.)


Joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Physical and/or Sensory Disabilities 2007-2011


            The Board received a presentation from Liz Gladwyn – Joint Commissioning Manager from Health and Partnerships on the draft joint Commissioning Strategy for Adults with Physical and/or Sensory Disabilities.  The presentation detailed the following:


  • What is commissioning?
  • Joint Commissioning Strategy;
  • What it will deliver;
  • Outcomes for individuals; and
  • Implementation.


It was reported that the strategy was written as a practical document to assist the services to move towards a more focussed way of commissioning services for adults in the 18-64 range over a four year period. This was the first strategy to be produced for this group of people.


The Board raised a number of issues such as whether there would be any independent advocacy involved, the development of support networks and the number of people waiting for service.  In reply it was noted that people would be able to contact SHAP for an advocacy service and a report would be brought back to a future meeting in relation to waiting times.


The Chairman thanked Ms Gladwyn for an informative presentation.


RESOLVED: That the draft Strategy be supported and endorsed.


Work Topic : Adults with Learning Disabilities Day Service Redesign


            The Board considered a report which provided an update on the work topic entitled Adults with Learning Disabilities Day Service Redesign undertaken by the Board in September 2006 – June 2007.


            It was reported that three Members participated in a small working group and worked with officers to examine the significant changes that had taken place in Day Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities.


            The report detailed findings of the work and included views of carers and adults who currently accessed these services. The report also included the scrutiny review of the re-design of the learning disability day services which set out the national and local context, the challenges, the nature of service provision post redesign of day services, the conclusion, recommendations and the results of an activity feedback questionnaire.


            It was reported that a number of recommendations had been made including further work on services for people with profound and multiple disabilities. Continued involvement of service users and carers in development of services and consideration of the development of a “one-stop-shop”.


            The Board was informed of two awards that day services had been awarded, one for the initiative itself and the other for cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen.  Members made positive comments in relation to the adults with learning disabilities day service redesign.


            RESOLVED: That the Members agree the recommendations of the report.


Working Arrangements and liaison between Local Authority Overview & Scrutiny Committees and 5Boroughs Partnership Trust


            The Board received a report on the working arrangements and liaison between Local Authority Overview & Scrutiny committees and 5Boroughs Partnership Trust.  The report noted that the 5Boroughs Partnership sought to formalise arrangements, using national guidance, on its work with Overview and Scrutiny Committees across the 5Boroughs.


            It was noted that this would allow a consistency across the five local authorities and was based on the principle openness and dialogue to ensure that Members were sufficiently well informed of the work of the Trust.       


The Board was informed of an amendment to paragraph 2.2.1 on page 7 of appendix 1, as it was felt the foot note was not clear therefore this had been altered.  In addition it was reported that there were two additional references in terms of the legislation.


            The policy identified who should attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the writing of any relevant reports and the timelines of consultation.


            RESOLVED: That the Members note and agree the proposals and forward any comments to Martin Loughna by 16th July 2007.


North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust


            The Board was informed of the proposed reconfiguration of the North West Ambulance NHS Trust Strategy.  The report detailed the reconfiguration of the Ambulance Control Room Service, which was required to deliver the government initiatives; “Taking health care to the patient” and “call to connect”.  The Appendix set out the technical requirements to deliver services through a single virtual call handling arrangement. It was noted that residents would experience a difference in the way the ambulance service would work after the implementation of the significant change. 


            Members queried various issues such as the area of the North West that would be covered by the whole service.  In response it was noted that it would be a large area including Cumbria and Lancashire.  The Board felt it would be beneficial to invite a representative from North West Ambulance NHS Trust to expand on future services to Halton residents.


            RESOLVED: That


1)                 Members note the proposed changes; and

2)                 Members agree a presentation by North West Ambulance NHS Trust on future service to Halton residents be brought to the next meeting.


Work Topics to be undertaken by Healthy Halton Policy & Performance Board


The Board considered a report which outlined the terms of reference for two work topics for the coming year which were as follows: Health of Carers and Contracted Services for People with Physical and Sensory Disabilities.  In addition the Board was informed of another work topic group that would scrutinise “protection of vulnerable adults” that would have Members from the Safer Halton Policy and Performance Board as well as Healthy Halton.  Members were requested to contact Peter Barron should they wish to take part in this topic group.




1.                 Members agree the topics and the Terms of Reference;

2.                 Members wishing to take part in the Protection of Vulnerable Adults work topic inform Peter Barron.


Annual Report


            The Board considered the Annual Report for the Health Halton Policy and Performance Board.  The report outlined the membership and responsibilities, the review of the year, work topics, performance issues and the work programme for 2007/2008.  The Chairman thanked all the officers and Members involved throughout the year for all the hard work and effort that was given to produce an incredible amount of work.


            RESOLVED: That the PPB agree and endorse the Annual Report for the purpose of its adoption at a forthcoming meeting of the full Council.


Quarterly Monitoring Reports


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board regarding the Fourth Quarter Monitoring Report for the Older People’s and Physical and Sensory Impairment Services, Adults of Working Age and Health and Partnerships.  


            RESOLVED: That the fourth quarter year-end performance monitoring reports be received.