Venue: Via remote access (please contact below for instructions)
Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Minutes from the meeting held on 10 February 2020, were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Minutes: The Board was advised that no public questions
had been received. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received the Employment, Learning and Skills and Community Policy and Performance Board’s Annual Report for 2019-20. The Chair wished to convey his thanks to the Vice Chair and all Members of the Board and Officers for their support throughout the year. RESOLVED: That the Annual Report for 2019-20 be received and recommended to full Council. |
Covid-19 - New Working Arrangements Minutes: The Board received a report from the Strategic
Director – Enterprise, Community and Resources, which set out the range of
services that had been provided during the COVID-19 pandemic, which were
relevant to this Policy and Performance Board. The report outlined these services
and included: Business
Support – services provided by the Business Improvement Team which included:
raising awareness of support available to 2,500 local businesses; call handling
and delivery of the Discretionary Grants Fund. Employment,
Learning and Skills – services provided by the Employment, Learning and Skills
Division which included: information on the Library Services and Leisure
Centres; details of community activities undertaken, an update on the Brindley
Theatre; the status of planned events; and Community Centres updates. Further to Members queries, the following was
noted: ·
who were self-employed were provided with several options of Government grants
available to them. Many enquiries had
come from Halton People into Jobs
which were then passed onto Business Support.
The Chamber of Commerce was also providing assistance with grants for
self-employed people via the Government directly. ·
activities/classes in the Community Centres had been suspended; however social
distancing was now being observed in the swimming pools and gyms and some
classes were able to continue this way as well; and ·
bicycle scheme for staff was planned for later in the year but nothing has been
confirmed yet. On behalf of the Board the Chair thanked all
Officers for their hard work in dealing with the demands that COVID-19 had
brought upon them and the Borough. RESOLVED:
That the Board notes the report and comments made. |