Venue: Karalius Suite, Halton Stadium, Widnes. View directions
Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 511 7975 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Chairman's Announcement Minutes: The Chairman welcomed and introduced the new Chief Superintendent, Bill Dutton to the meeting. Chief Superintendent Dutton reported that he had transferred from Durham Constabulary and had been in post for 13 days. He reported that his new role was Northern Area Commander and at the end of the summer a slightly different policing model would be introduced, the details of which were to be determined. He highlighted that he would be responsible for overseeing local policing and there would be an increase in numbers with eight Chief Inspectors who would command small geographical units, one of which would be in Runcorn and one in Widnes and that there would be a PCSO in every electoral ward. The increase and expansion of the command structure represented investment in neighbourhood policing. Chief Superintendent Dutton also indicated that he was very impressed with the level of partnership work and community spirit in the Borough and looked forward to using his experience to build on the good work that existed in Halton. The Board took the opportunity to discuss issues relating to various vehicle crime, special constables and the refurbishment of Runcorn Police Station with Chief Superintendent Dutton. The Chairman of the Board, thanked Chief Superintendent Dutton for his attendance at the meeting. The Chairman reported that a Working Together Event had been organised by the Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner in Widnes to give members of the public the opportunity to raise issues and scrutinise the Police Service. However, it was reported that only four members of the public had attended the event. The Chairman highlighted that the same event had been arranged in Runcorn at The Brindley on 14 May 2015 commencing at 6.30 pm and he encouraged Members to attend. The Chairman reported that the Working Group established to review legal highs had met and a series of meetings had been arranged. However, he reported that the group had made an early recommendation that legal highs should be banned from all Council Buildings and he asked for the Members support. The Board agreed with the recommendation and it was reported that this would be presented to the Executive Board for approval. RESOLVED: That (1) The verbal report be noted: and (2) Chief Superintendent Dutton be thanked for his attendance and informative verbal presentation. |
MINUTES Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2015 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME PDF 27 KB Minutes: The Board was advised that no public questions had been received. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes from the last Safer Halton Partnership (SHP) meeting held on
24 November 2014 were presented to the Board for information. It was agreed that the booklet that had been handed out to the Safer
Halton Partnership Group which described research relating to the effects of
drinking on children would be circulated to all Members of the Board. RESOLVED: That the minutes be noted. |
Channel - The Prevent Strategy PDF 25 KB Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Ms Emma Hart, Prevention Coordinator, Cheshire Police which:- · Explained what the role and responsibilities of Prevent; · Gave a brief discussion around the new and emerging threat; ·
Outlined the thematic Areas of Terrorism –
International/Domestic/Northern Ireland Related ·
Set out the background on Syria and Iraq/Change
to UK Threat Levels/Reasons for Travel/Typical Profile/Recruitment
Process/Methods of Radicalisation ·
Gave examples of ISIS Propaganda ·
Set out the Cheshire Profile – The number of
referrals that we have received. 2 x Case studies ·
Explained familiar Vulnerabilities and what to
report Following the presentation, the Board discussed the various aspects of terrorism and noted the preventative work that was being undertaken. The Board also noted the importance of keeping up to date with current issues relating to terrorism and agreed that an update report be presented to a future meeting. RESOLVED: That (1) the presentation be received and noted; (2) Emma Hart, be thanked for her informative presentation; and (3) an update report be presented to a future meeting of the Board. |
Performance Monitoring Reports Quarter 3 PDF 17 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic
Director, Communities, which presented the progress of key performance
indicators, milestones and targets relating to Safer in Quarter 3 of
2014-15. Appendix 1 to the report
contained a progress update regarding the implementation of all Directorate
high-risk mitigation measures that were relevant to the remit of the Board. The Lead Officer of the
Board gave a verbal update on the performance monitoring targets highlighting that
the majority would be achieved by the end of the year. The following comments arose from the
discussion:- ·
Page 31 - The Board noted the reasons for the
employee costs showing £91,000 under budget profile. Clarity was also sought on whether it was
difficult to obtain staff; whether the underspend was as a result of retaining vacancies in
order to achieve budget savings and whether the understaffing was having a
detrimental affect on the department. It was reported that information on this
matter would be circulated to all Members of the Board; and ·
was raised at the Leisure Management Contract being over budget. In response, it was reported that this matter
was as a result of a technical issue, which was now being addressed by the
Finance Director. An options report, which
offered significant savings would be presented to the Executive Board in June
2015. ·
RESOLVED: That the report and comments raised
be noted. |
(Note: Councillor Sinnott declared a Disclosable Other Interest in the following item of
business as her husband is employed in the Community Centre.) |
Business Plans 2015-18 PDF 18 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of
the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which gave Members an update on Business Planning for the
period 2015 - 18 and for Members to consider the Directorate priorities, objectives
and targets for service areas that fall within the remit of this Board. The Board was advised that each Directorate of the Council would develop
a medium-term business plan, in parallel with the budget, that was subject to annual
review and refresh. Key priorities for
development or improvement for this Board had been presented to and considered
by the Board in autumn 2014. It was reported that the Draft Directorate Business Plans had now been
developed and were set out in Appendix 1 to the report. It was also reported that Directorate Business Plans would be subject
to annual review and refresh in order that they remained fit for purpose. It was noted that plans
could only be finalised when budget decisions had been confirmed in March and
that some target information may need to be reviewed as a result of final
outturn data becoming available post March 2015. The Chairman of
the Board reported that some of the policies in the document would require
scrutiny and encouraged Members to consider areas that the Board could focus on
during the next municipal year. RESOLVED: that the report, associated appendices and comments raised be noted. |
Substance Misuse Service PDF 21 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of
the Strategic Director, Communities, which provided Members with an overview of the work of the Substance Misuse
Service (Adults) working with parents and other agencies to reduce the impact
of substance misuse on children. The Board was advised that Halton Borough Council had commissioned
substance misuses services (drug and/or alcohol). The service supported local people who had
substance misuse problems. The contract was delivered across the Halton area by
Crime Reduction Initiatives (CRI). The
Board was further advised that a key part of that programme was to focus on
public health information and prevention agenda to reduce the number of
individuals taking drugs and misusing alcohol ensuring robust and accessible
information was provided to the residents of Halton. The aim of the drug and
alcohol service was to improve health and social care outcomes and reduce the
impact caused by addiction or dependency to drugs and/or alcohol, with a clear
drive on improving health inequalities for local people. It was reported that there was approximately 650 individual’s accessing
the substance misuse service, approximately 304 had parenting responsibility. The service users with children living at
home, 108 had been assessed with drugs as their primary substance and 46
service users as alcohol as their primary substance. In addition, it was
reported that all new clients into treament who had been identified
as having contact with children at home were screened via the CART team for
current or previous health and social care involvement. Furthermore,
it was reported that CRI Halton had implemented a Hidden Harm recovery co-ordinator post for
Halton. The change of the role
had enabled the service to work more closely with both service users and their
families and with relevant partner agencies.
The outcome over the past three months had been significant and positive
as outlined in the case studies. At
present the role was working with opiate clients who were at risk of or already
involved with children’s social care.
This gave the service an opportunity to work with these vulnerable
families and look at the different support that could be offered with the aim
of reducing the overall level of need and to ensure children and young people
were free from significant harm. The role also enabled the service to look at
the hidden harm within these families and to look at identifying any additional
support which may be required by the service or partner agencies. The service
had implemented a Think Family post which was proving to be positive for both
the service and partners agencies and the families they were working with. The following comments arose from the discussion:- · Clarity was sought on whether there was any indication of drug abuse in local schools and if so how many had schools and pupils had this problem. In response, it was reported that this information would be presented at the next meeting; · The Board noted the number of children in Halton, with parents who suffered from drug ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Chairman's Annual Report PDF 250 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of
the Strategic Director, Communities, which presented the Annual Report for the Safer Policy and
Performance Board for April 2014 - March 2015, attached as Appendix 1 to the
report. The Board was advised that during 2014-15 the
Board had
looked in detail at many of the Safer priorities. Further details of these were outlined within
the Annual Report and set out in Appendix 1 to the report. The Chairman encouraged Members to consider
future areas suitable for a Topic Group during the next municipal year. The Chairman also took the opportunity to
thank Officers and Members for their contribution to the Board during the
municipal year. RESOLVED: That the report and comment raised be noted. |