Agenda and minutes

Safer Policy and Performance Board - Tuesday, 13th June, 2017 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Council Chamber, Runcorn Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail 

No. Item


Chairman's Announcements


The Chair announced that:

  • the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was seeking to appoint a Head of Service and the Police and Crime Panel would consider that appointment at a Confirmation Hearing;
  • a new Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner had been appointed;
  • the PCC had moved his office to Warrington; and
  • the Board had held a topic visit to the Halton Stadium to review event safety.


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            The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st February 2017 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




            It was reported that no questions had been received.


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            The Board received an update report on the progress on the current White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) and an outline of the process for the Council to seek corporate status for the borough.


            The principles of the award were that local authorities should express a commitment to involving men in anti-VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) and produce a preliminary action plan on how this commitment would be achieved. The action plan should be aimed at reducing incidents of violence against women such as discrimination, harassment or victimisation and fostering good community relations. It should also have a specific White Ribbon emphasis of increasing male participation in anti-VAWG events and strategies as well as raising awareness and the profile of these issues amongst men.


            The WRC team would work with the authority on the development of an action plan, providing feedback and suggestions as necessary. It was suggested that the Community Safety Manager, supported by the local Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator, would act as a liaison point with the WRC and oversee implementation.


          The action plan would set out how the Council would:


·         Involve and educate men and boys in an anti-VAWG strategy and encourage men and boys to sign the WRC pledge “never to commit, condone, or remain silent about men's violence against women in all its forms.”


·         Identify White Ribbon ‘ambassadors’ within the Council and partner organisations.


·         Raise awareness and provide training on VAWG within the Council, incorporating the VAWG message into Council informational and promotional materials where appropriate.


·         Deliver events to promote the Council’s anti-VAWG commitment, by organising and supporting local activities to assert the unacceptability of VAWG. Examples include:


·         White Ribbon’s “These heels are made for walking” and “These handsare not for hurting!” events, demonstrating solidarity with anti-VAW Campaigns as well as work with sports teams or music venues.


·         Football, rugby and other sporting events to raise awareness with young People in innovative ways.



·         Involve the local community in our WR campaign through a variety of venues and facilities including Libraries, Schools, Sport clubs, gyms, Social Landlords etc. and by encouraging other organisations and clubs to sign up for the White Ribbon award and sponsor special events e.g. White Ribbon Cup tournament.


·         Involve local businesses as partners with substantial resources and contacts through which anti-VAWG can be promoted.


            RESOLVED: That the Executive Board be recommended to support an application being made by the Council to obtain White Ribbon corporate status.


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Additional documents:


            The Board received an update from Mark Antrobus on behalf of the Anti- Social Behaviour (Community Safety Team) on the following areas:-


·                     The ASB Strategy 2016-2019;

·                     The Partnership Processes – Information Sharing and Problem Solving    Groups;

·                     ASB interventions (Tools and Powers); and

·                     The positive work that they are doing in partnership with the Police,            Council, Registered Social Landlords (incl. Private), Mental Health Services, Youth Offending, Education etc to make Halton safer.


            Arising from the discussion Board members queried the high increase in the crime figures for Halton and was advised that this was due to a change in the way crime figures were recorded. This had resulted in an increase in crime figures nationally.


            RESOLVED: That


1.    the report be noted; and


2.    the Board thanked Mark Antrobus for his detailed presentation.


Cheshire Fire and Rescue Annual Report pdf icon PDF 215 KB


            The Board considered a copy of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Annual report for Halton 2016-17, and received an update on the Integrated Risk Management Plan 2017-18 (IRMP).


            On behalf of Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Lynsey McVay attended the meeting and outlined the Service performance in Halton during the past year and compared the different type of incidents attended to previous year performance.


            The Board discussed the installation of sprinkler systems in new build properties and in existing high rise buildings. It was noted that the Fire Service had set aside a budget to install sprinkler systems in high rise buildings, however, only a small number of Housing Associations had chosen to proceed. Halton Housing Association had yet to stall a sprinkler system at Churchill Mansions.


            Members of the Board were invited to contact Ms McVay to arrange a visit to a fire station or to attend the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service Performance meeting in July.


            RESOLVED: That


1.    the report be noted; and


2.    the Board thanked Lynsey McVay for her informative presentation.


Organised Criminal Gang Board pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report detailing the Council’s response to Organised Criminal Gangs and in relation to the Government Serious and Organised Crime Strategy. The Serious and Organised Crime Strategy placed significant emphasis on the importance of effective local partnerships.  Strong multi-agency working was seen as key in dealing with such a threat.


              In order to support this approach, a partnership group, chaired by the Council Chief Executive, had been established to tackle organised crime groups in Halton (Operation Portfolio).


            The aim of Operation Portfolio was to deliver an effective partnership response to the threat posed by serious crime and organised crime groups impacting on communities in the Borough. The group had agreed the following key objectives to:


·         Identify and research the threat posed to local communities by serious and organised crime in Halton.


·         Document the threat posed by serious crime, Organised Crime Groups, Urban Street Gangs, cross border criminality and thematic serious crime threats in a format which could be shared. 


·         Single or group ‘Partnership Profiles’ would be the information basis for assessment of specific individuals, Organised Crime Groups, Urban Street Gangs, or locations.


·         Partnership Profiles would be produced by police for each meeting. 


·          Identify and establish a partnership group to use all available civil, criminal and legal powers to implement enforcement, disruption and safeguarding tactics to reduce the threat.


            The group met on a bi monthly basis and a partnership action plan had been agreed. This would be a standing item on the future Safer Halton Partnership agenda.


            Arising from the discussion, it was proposed to invite representatives from the national crime agency to a future Board meeting.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.