Venue: To be held remotely - contact below for access
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
The Board took part in a minute's silence in honour of Councillor Morley, who had sadly passed away last week. |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: There were no Chairs announcments. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2020 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME PDF 67 KB Minutes: It was reported that no questions had been received. |
Cheshire Police Therapy Dog Trial PDF 66 KB Minutes: The Board received a presentation from PC Jane Tetlow in relation to the new initiative to trial a Police therapy dog in the Northern division of Cheshire. Cheshire Police would be the first North West Force to pioneer this resource with the aim to improve victim engagement, staff wellbeing and youth intervention and diversion. The therapy dogs would work alongside the Safer Schools Young Persons Partnership Officers. Their work involved working closely with schools, Beat Management and Partnerships to anticipate problems involving young people and their families. They regularly attended schools dedicated to additional educational needs working with those individuals. PC Tetlow outlined to the Board examples of ways the therapy dog could be used in Halton and the benefits this would bring. RESOLVED That the report be noted. |
Mental Health Street Triage Teams PDF 109 KB Minutes: The Board considered an update from Alex Crisp, Mental Health Co-ordinator, Cheshire Police, on the Cheshire Police approach to addressing mental health issues when it presented itself in the community. The report also highlighted the increased number of calls for mental health support and of suicides during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Police response. The Board was advised on the changing demand for crisis management services during the past months, the impact on the increasing calls to Cheshire Police to respond to those in crisis and details of the 24-hour crisis line that had been in place since March 2020. In addition, the report set out: · the partnership approach that was in place and the benefits and areas for development including; street triage, liaison and diversion, Cheshire and Merseyside Prevention of Suicide (CHAMPS) and High Intensity Users (HIU); and · the training for Cheshire Constabulary for Officers and Staff to develop a best practice emergency response to mental illness. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Update on Community Protection Orders PDF 100 KB Minutes: Members were advised that this report had added to the agenda in error and had been considered by the Board at its last meeting. |
Minutes: The Board considered a report on the work of the Consumer Advice Team, which also provided case studies from the past 12 months. The report provided information on the work of the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline, which was a national helpline that provided the first response advice on behalf of the Trading Standards Service. It also detailed how Trading Standards worked alongside the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline to support the needs of the consumer and the law that applied when goods and services were bought. Members were advised that a satisfaction survey of service users was undertaken quarterly which showed that consistently 98% of users were either very satisfied or satisfied with the service they had received from Halton Trading Standards Consumer Advice Service. RESOLVED: That the Board noted the information presented. |