Venue: To be held remotely - please contact the clerk below for access
Contact: Gill Ferguson on 0151 511 8059 or e-mail
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chair made the following announcements: · The Cheshire Police budget for 2021/2022 had been agreed and the Police Force was one of the 10 lowest precepts in the country; and · The Cheshire Chief Constable was due to retire in the Spring 2021. The new Chief Constable would be announced shortly. |
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2020 were taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME PDF 67 KB Minutes: It was reported that no questions had been received. |
Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the work undertaken by the Emergency Planning team during 2019-2020. Members received a presentation which highlighted the teams statutory duties to comply with the following legislation: · the Civil Contingencies Act 2004; · Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations (COMAH) 2015; and · Major Accident Hazard Pipeline (MAHP) Regulations 1996 Members noted that Halton had a number of Emergency Plans in place with the aim to ensure resilience. These Plans were regularly updated and tested. The Board was advised on examples of local risks, details of the exercises that take place at COMAH sites in the borough, information on Emergency Centres and the work the Emergency Planning team carried out with partner agencies both within Cheshire and Cross-Border and as part of Cheshire Resilience Forum. Details of the role of the Team supporting the authority’s response to Covid-19 internally and externally alongside partner agencies was also noted. Arising from the discussion, the following issues were raised and it was agreed that a written response would be provided to the Board: ·
Peter Lloyd-Jones raised a question regarding the main water pipeline which
travels from Wales to Merseyside and a possible threat from terrorism; ·
Dave Thompson asked for further information regarding the plans for the
decommissioning of the Fiddlers Ferry Site; and ·
Dave Thompson raised a question regarding gas monitoring in the quarry area of
Weston Village. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Covid 19 - Updated Working PDF 117 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, on the range of services that Halton Community Safety Partnership had put in place during the Covid-19 Pandemic to support the community. The report provided an update on: · Widnes and Runcorn Policing; · Operation Pandas – an internal major response stood up by Cheshire police which covered the response, management and coordination of all aspects of Coronavirus; · School Liaison work; · Domestic Abuse services, raising awareness, press releases, webchat, refuge facilities and MARAC meetings; · Licensing issues; · ASB Victim and Witness Support Services; · Counter Terrorism and Channel Policing during lockdown; and · Digital Safety resources during Covid-19 RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Crime Reduction Initiative - Hough Green PDF 69 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Enterprise, Community and Resources, which provided an update on the new crime reduction initiative that would be taking place in the Hough Green area in partnership with Cheshire Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner. Following a community survey of 3200 homes, carried out by the Police and the Community Safety Partnership, the Crime Reduction Officer had designed a project to improve the environment. This included, better lighting/CCTV, litter picking/fly tipping removal, landscaping and encouraged community engagement to create local pride in the area. As part of the improvements, a doorbell CCTV project that would provide coverage of hard to monitor areas around the Arley Drive/Cherry Sutton estates was proposed and a number of homes identified. The Police and Crime Commissionerhad agreed funding, match funded by the local authority and the bells would be fitted by Community Safety Partnership. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence PDF 76 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an update report on the activities being supported across the Borough in response to domestic and sexual violence. It was noted that the new Halton Domestic Abuse Service, integrated family model had been awarded to WHAG, a specialist domestic abuse provider. The new model would focus on the whole family and would provide support services and advocacy to adult victims, children affected by domestic abuse and in a change in the way the support services work in Halton interventions would be offered to those who harm. The new service began operations in Halton on 4th January 2021. Further information would be sent to Board Members to attend a future lunch and learning session. In addition, further reports would be submitted to a future Board meeting on the Public Protection Unit and on the ‘Engage’ initiative. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. |