Agenda and minutes

Mersey Gateway Executive Board - Thursday, 16th June, 2011 3.00 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 471 7389 or e-mail 

No. Item




            The Minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2011, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.




Additional documents:


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources which set out the response the Council had received to the recent Market Engagement exercise from firms interested in delivering the Mersey Gateway Project.  The consultation process was reported to the Board on 17 March 2011.


            It was reported that the final Market Engagement exercise before commencing procurement was launched in February, where comments were invited on several topics.  It was further noted that a number of groups had formed a consortia with the intention of expressing an interest in bidding for Mersey Gateway when the Contract Notice would be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.  The Board was informed that overall a very encouraging response had been received which demonstrated a high level of interest in tendering for the Mersey Gateway Project.


            Appended to the report for information was the Council’s response to feedback received during the consultation. Key issues noted were detailed in the report and covered the procurement process, payment mechanism, contaminated land, tolling infrastructure, operational governance arrangements and advance works.


            At the request of the Board, Councillor Peter Browne agreed to make representations to the relevant Government Minister to request urgent action on the final decision making stage of the project funding agreement.


            RESOLVED: That the actions arising to support a robust procurement process be noted.





            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources which detailed the progress made in preparing for the procurement process.


            The Board was advised that, although the Council was not able to commence procurement until the funding agreement with Government had been settled in detail, good progress had been made with procurement preparation.  It was reported that discussions with department officials were also progressing and the project continued to receive expressions of support from Government including advice from the Prime Minister that reinforced the backing given to the project.


            It was further noted that the project team was ready to launch procurement with developments in place, as outlined in the report.


            Members were advised that the procurement strategy had been developed based on selecting three candidates (bidders) who would be invited to participate in a Competitive Dialogue procurement process. It was noted that the level of market interest evident in Mersey Gateway indicated that the Council may have more than three groups who would express interest and a pre-qualification process had been prepared that was designed to select the best three candidates from those applying.


         It was further reported that once Government approval had been received, the procurement process could be launched.


            RESOLVED: That, subject to the required approval from Government, it be noted that the project team were ready to launch the procurement process.


MINUTES ISSUED:  22 June 2011


CALL-IN: 29 June 2011


Any matter decided by the Mersey Gateway Executive Board may be called in no later than 5.00pm on 29 June 2011.