Agenda and minutes

3MG Executive Sub Board - Thursday, 24th September, 2009 3.30 p.m.

Venue: Marketing Suite, Municipal Building. View directions

Contact: Lynn Derbyshire on 0151 471 7389 or email 

No. Item




The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2009 were taken as read and signed as a correct record.           





The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which sought approval and set out the way in which the Council intended to enter into formal legal Agreements with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council and Network Rail in connection with the proposed A5300 Link Road (which provided the 3MG Highway Western Access).


The Board was advised that a significant proportion of the proposed A5300 Link Road was within Knowsley.  Traffic generated by the future development on HBC Field would impact upon the highway network in Knowsley, and particularly the A5300-A562 junction.  Planning Approval for the Link Road had been secured from both Authorities (Halton and Knowsley).  There were a number of conditions associated with the Planning Approval including the implementation of a traffic mitigation scheme at the A5300-A562 junction.


            It was reported that Halton would undertake the role of Highway Authority for the rail overbridge and adjoining section of carriageway up to Newstead Road.  The report included a plan which detailed areas that Halton would be retaining, Knowsley would be adopting and the area for a traffic mitigation scheme.


            It was noted that in order to formalise the agreement it would be necessary for the two authorities to enter into an agreement under Section 8 of the Highways Act 1980. It was further reported that the agreement would also provide the mechanism for payment of a financial contribution by Halton towards a traffic mitigation scheme at the A5300-/A562 junction as required by the terms of the planning permission granted by Knowlsey MBC on 17 September 2008.  Following negotiation with Knowsley MBC Halton’s contribution towards this scheme had been agreed at £400,000. 


            The Board was advised that the developer would be responsible for the construction of the link road. 


            Arising from the discussion Members asked if the bridge would be assembled in stages.  In response it was noted that it would and no full railway closures would be necessary.




(1)                     an agreement under Section 8 of the Highways Act be entered into with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council over the adoption of the various proposed Highway elements within Knowsley;


(2)                     an Overbridge Agreement and associated standard agreements which includes a Basic Asset Protection Agreement and an Easement Agreement, be entered into with Network Rail to enable the construction and operation of a new highway structure over the Liverpool Branch of the West Coast Main Line; and


(3)                     the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal be authorised to take all actions and make any decisions deemed appropriate in connection with the Section 8 and Overbridge Agreements for the proposed A5300 Link Road and that any such actions and decisions be reported back to the next meeting of the 3MG Executive Sub-Board.

MINUTES ISSUED: 5 October 2009         


CALL IN:   12 October 2009


Any matter decided by the 3MG Executive Board may be called in no later than 12 October 2009