Agenda and minutes

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 20th April, 2016 11.15 a.m.

Venue: Authority Chamber - Mann Island. View directions

Contact: Angela Scott on 0151 511 8670 or email 

No. Item


Minutes of last meeting pdf icon PDF 154 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2016, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.



Liverpool City Region Growth Plan pdf icon PDF 195 KB


The Panel received a report of the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, which provided an update on progress made on the Liverpool City Region Growth Plan.


Greg Stott, Liverpool City Council, addressed Members. His presentation highlighted the following:-


·       The objectives and rationale of the Strategy;

·       The impact of the single Growth Strategy, with one clear single vision;

·       Alignment with the Devolution themes and portfolios of Economic Development and Energy, Transport, Housing, Employment and Skills and Health and Wellbeing;

·       Activity to date, the emerging growth model and the mechanisms in place to engage with the Devolution workstreams;

·       Cross cutting themes; and

·       Next steps in the engagement process and consultation.



1)    the progress made be endorsed; and


2)    the Panel receive a further progress report in 12 months.



A Transport Pan for Growth pdf icon PDF 195 KB


The Panel received a report of the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, which provided an update on progress on the Transport Plan for Growth.


The Transport Plan for Growth had been developed to create a single strategic framework and delivery plan for the Liverpool City Region (LCR) and set the direction for greater collaboration and future joint working across the City Region.


Carole Carroll, Merseytravel, delivered a presentation to the Panel which informed Members of the progress made on the local transport plan priorities; progress to date; the governance structures in place for the transportation theme within the City Region Combined Authority; the transport priorities of economic growth, of a low carbon sustainable transport network and access to training, education and employment opportunities; and the seven local ‘pipeline’ transport schemes already approved.


The presentation also provided Members with an understanding of the strategic benefits and the development of the Key Route Network of local roads, as part of the Devolution deal.


It was noted that the next steps would be to present the pipeline process to the Combined Authority in Summer 2016, with further work planned to progress the alignment of pipeline projects with key strategic partners, such as health, housing, employment and skills. In addition, the Local Growth Fund 3 bid would be submitted for approval in July 2016.


RESOLVED: That the progress reported be endorsed.



Liverpool City Region Devolution Deal - Update pdf icon PDF 193 KB


The Panel received a report and presentation by the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, which provided an update on the implementation of the Liverpool City Region Devolution Deal (the LCR Agreement).


In summary, the LCR Agreement would provide:-


·       for a  new directly elected Liverpool City Region Mayor, to act as Chair of the LCR CA,  with powers and functions devolved from Central Government;

·       arrangements for a Mayoral election to be held in May 2017;

·        National framework, with four statutory officer posts (Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer, Section 31 Scrutiny Officer);

·       A consultation period on revised Constitution; and

·       A Scrutiny Panel – to be politically balanced with the possibility of an independent Chair.




1)    the report and Members’ comments be noted; and


2)    a further update be provided to the Panel in October 2016.



Decisions of the Combined Authority (CA) pdf icon PDF 225 KB


The Panel received a report of the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, which provided Members with a note of some significant decisions made by the Combined Authority since February 2016.


          The report provided a digest of decisions made by the Combined Authority meetings on 5 February 2016 and 18 March 2016. A request was made for future reports to include more details of the decisions, but Members were advised that the reports and corresponding minutes were available to view via the website.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.



Scrutiny Panel - Work Programme pdf icon PDF 216 KB


The Panel received a report of the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, in relation to the Panel’s Work Programme arrangements for 2016/17.


Members noted the progress on the original programme of work which included European Funding, Affordable Fares –Sort Hop Bus Fares, and Housing, as detailed in the report.


In addition, it was reported that the Combined Authority, at its meeting on 15 April 2016, had referred a piece of scrutiny work to be undertaken by the Panel on a recently published Guidance document – “Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services”. It was noted that this Guidance document had been published by the Committee on Standards in Public Life, and sought to establish how the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles) had been embedded into public service commissioning and contracting. The Panel were requested to consider how the Nolan Principles had been considered and applied across the Liverpool City Region.


It was also noted that, following confirmation of the Panel membership for 2016/17, a Development Day for all Panel members would be held in June 2016, at which the issue of the further work programme could be considered.




1)    the work undertaken by the Panel on its original Work Programme be noted;

2)    a Development Day be organised for all Panel Members on a date to be agreed in June 2016; and

3)    consideration be given to the request by the Combined Authority for the Panel to undertake a scrutiny review of the Guidance document ‘Ethical Standards for Providers of Public Services’ at the Development Day, as part of the consideration of the Panel’s  Work Programme for 2016/17.



Calendar of Meetings 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 195 KB


The Panel received a report of the Lead Officer – Scrutiny, on a proposed calendar of meetings for the Panel for the 2016/17 Municipal Year.


RESOLVED: That the schedule of dates for 2016/17 be agreed.