Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions
Contact: Kim Butler on 0151 511 7496 or via email
No. | Item | |||
Minutes from the Last Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 24 August 2023 having been
circulated were signed as a correct record. |
Application for a Premises Licence - Martins, 36 Bechers, Widnes, WA8 4TE Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee met to determine an
application made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 by Alliance Property Holding Limited for a premises licence for Martins, 36 Bechers, Widnes, WA8 4TE (“the Premises”). The hearing was held in accordance with the
Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005. PREAMBLE The hearing was held as relevant representations had
been received from two local residents, Ms Charline Wolsstencroft and Mr Majdi Ibrahim Rhuma
(“the objectors”), who had objected to the application predominantly on the
grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, although public nuisance and
the protection of children from harm also appeared in issue. The Applicant’s Area Manager, Matthew Griffiths, was
in attendance and was represented by their Solicitor, Mr Alex Green of Gosschalks LLP. The objectors did not attend
and no notice had been received from either of them indicating their
attendance. The Sub-Committee therefore took legal advice on whether the
hearing could proceed in their absence and the Sub-Committee’s attention was
drawn to Regulation 20(2) of the Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005
(“the Regulations”). After hearing from Ms Hesketh and Mr Green, the
Sub-Committee were satisfied that notice of the hearing had been properly
served on the objectors on 31 October 2023, in accordance with Regulations 6
and 7 and it did not consider it was in the public interest to adjourn the
hearing. On that basis, the Sub-Committee resolved to hear the application in
the objectors’ absence. It was agreed that Ms Hesketh would read out the
objectors’ relevant representations during the hearing. DETERMINATION The
Sub-Committee has considered the application, the relevant representations and
the applicant’s oral submissions given at the hearing. In
reaching its decision, the sub-committee also took into consideration the
Licensing Objectives as well as the revised statutory guidance issued under
section 182 of the Act (“the statutory guidance”), the relevant case law and
Council’s own statement of Licensing Policy. The Sub-Committee resolved to grant the application
subject to the hours and the conditions below:- HOURS
Schedule 1.
shall be provided on the premises and shall be kept in good working order. 2.
staff engaged in the sale of alcohol will be trained in accordance with the
premises licence holder’s training procedures. 3.
staff engaged in the sale of alcohol will receive suitable training (including
refresher training) in relation to the proof of age “Challenge 25” scheme to be
applied on the premises. The following forms of identification are acceptable:
photo driving licence, passport, proof of age standards scheme (PASS) card and
Military ID and any other locally or nationally approved form of
identification. 4.
checkout operators will operate a refusal log. 5.
premises licence holder undertakes ongoing risk assessments in
order to comply with Health and Safety Legislation. 6.
prompts are in use at the store. Police Conditions The operating schedule makes reference to the ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |