Agenda item

Quarterly Monitoring Reports



            The Board received a report of the Chief Executive which outlined progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons and factors affecting services for economic regeneration and culture and leisure for the 4th quarter.


            The Board was advised of a Sub-Group chaired by Councillor Edge which arose from some expressions of interest at the March PPB meeting. The purpose of the Sub-Group was to obtain more effective scrutiny across the PPB. A draft terms of reference for the performance group was tabled at the meeting and Councillor Edge outlined its intended scope, which included  highlighting areas for improvement, both in performance itself in the systems for reporting performance, with a view to strengthening scrutiny.


            It was made clear that the performance group was to complement and enhance the work of the PPB itself, and not to be a substitute for it, away from the public gaze: and also that it was early days for the group which it was hoped would evolve and increasingly add value as time went on.


It was reported that the first preliminary meeting of the performance group had been held and notes from this meeting would be circulated to Members of the Employment Learning and Skills PPB. Arising from the discussion, Members felt that this was a positive step towards effective scrutiny that might be rolled out across all PPBs.  The Board wished to congratulate Councillor Edge for progressing this initiative and for the work that had taken place.


In relation to the performance monitoring for the 4th quarter, the following points were noted.


  • the Merseyside Primary Games had taken place and had proved useful in looking towards 2012;


  • work at Halton Lea Library was on target. It would be closed between the 15th July to the 13th August for the final work to take place and the shelves and books would be re-stocked. Relocation to a shop unit in Halton Lea Shopping Centre would also commence;


  • the Community Safety Team would be moving to Widnes Waterfront in the near future;


  • at the time of producing these reports the data was not available from the Place Survey. This was now in place and would need moderating and would be available for Members in the near future;


  • the Board requested an invite to all Members of the PPB to have a visit to the new Halton Lea Library once the work had been completed.


  • Simms Cross Rugby Club had celebrated their 40th birthday and the Board wished to congratulate them on the achievement of the 6 trophies won in a season as follows:


NWC Premier Division Champions;

Lancashire Cup Winners

Premiership Division Cup Winners;

Widnes Cup Winners;

Champion of Champions Winners; and

Tough Tackle Trophy Award.


            The Board requested that a letter of commendation be written from this Board to the Simms Cross Rugby Team.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)   the 4th quarter performance management reports be received;


(2)   the terms of reference for the performance group be endorsed; and


(3)   a letter of commendation be written from the ELS PPB Board to Simms Cross Rugby Team in light of their success and victory over the past year.



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