Agenda item

Secondary Re-organisation - Runcorn - KEY DECISION


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People, which provided a response to the statutory consultation to close The Grange Nursery, Infant and Junior School, change the age range of The Grange Comprehensive School and enlarge the school from 1050 to 1445 pupils. An outline of the decision-making process was also included in the report. In addition, it provided a summary of the response to the pre-statutory consultation to expand The Heath Specialist Technology College and provided an outline of the next stage in the procedure.


            It was noted that at the Executive Board meeting on 9th April 2009 it was agreed that statutory consultation could be undertaken to discontinue The Grange Nursery, Infant and Junior Schools; expand the age range of The Grange Comprehensive and enlarge the school to establish an “All Through School”.


            The Board was advised that the statutory proposal was published on the 25th June 2009. Letters were sent to all parents and provided for staff and governors. These letters contained a copy of the statutory proposals and included a feedback form and contact details. They were also provided the date, time and venue of consultation meetings. In addition, the public meeting was advertised in the local press and posters were displayed at the four schools, plus other secondary schools, Children’s Centres, Community Centres, Direct Links and the libraries. The consultation details were also included in the circular which was distributed to all schools and Children’s Services settings. A copy of the statutory notice was appended to the report.


            It was noted that a Governors meeting was held on the consultation on 1st July 2009 and the staff meeting and public consultation meeting at The Grange Comprehensive School on the 2nd July 2009. The staff meeting was well attended and a copy of the presentation used was placed on the website, along with the questions raised. Those people wishing to respond to the consultation were advised to put their views in writing. A total of 20 responses had been received in response to the consultation. The responses had all been from staff, parents and governors. There had been no objections to the proposals. All those who had responded had supported the proposal.


It was further noted that at the same meeting of the Executive Board on 9th April 2009 that pre-statutory consultation could be taken on the proposal to expand The Heath Specialist Technology College. The consultation commenced on the proposal on 25th June 2009 similar to that of the Grange. The proposed expansion was discussed at the Governors meeting where it was supported. There were a total of three responses received to the consultation, these responses were all in support of the proposal to expand the College.


            The Board was advised that the decision-maker (Executive Board) must decide on the proposal within two months of the end of the representation period otherwise the decision must be referred to the Adjudicator for a decision. If referred to the Adjudicator the proposals and any representations must be forwarded to the Adjudicator within one week of the end of the two month representation period along with any representations received and not withdrawn. The report set out what choices the decision-maker could take and it was noted that conditional approval could only be granted in a limited number of circumstances.


            It was noted that the statutory consultation be undertaken in Autumn 2009 with the proposal to expand The Heath Specialist Technology College. Following completion of the statutory consultation a further report would be provided to the Executive Board for consideration.




To provide more choice and diversity and retain pupils within the Borough.  









A decision will be required by Executive Board prior to 24th September 2009.



            RESOLVED: That


(1)       Proposals having been published in pursuance of the powers set out in sections 15(1) and 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and having had regard to the statutory guidance and to responses to the consultation it is RESOLVED that the following related proposals be approved:-


(a) with effect from 31st August 2010, The Grange Nursery School, The Grange Infants School and The Grange Junior School be discontinued;


(b) with effect from 1st September 2010 the age range of The Grange Comprehensive School be changed from 11 -16 years to 3 – 16 years; and


(c) with effect from 1st September 2010 The Grange Comprehensive School be enlarged from 1050 pupils to 1445 pupils and become known as The Grange School; and


(2)     statutory consultation be undertaken to expand The Heath Specialist Technology College from 1050 (210 per year group) in 2009 to 1200 in 2011 (240 per year group) to 1350 (270) in 2013.


Supporting documents: