The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community, which requested a suspension of relevant Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 to extend existing contracts for residential care at Wide Cove, Smithy Forge, Leahurst and Woodcrofts until 31st March 2011 to allow sufficient time to carry out complete extensive consultation with service users, carers and stakeholders and to complete an options appraisal regarding future use of the services.
The report also sought approval of delegated powers to the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health, to award interim contracts to 31st March 2011 to existing providers of residential care services transferred from the PCT and to take such action as may be necessary to implement the recommendations.
The Sub-Committee, at its meeting on 19th March 2009, had previously agreed to extend contracts for residential care at Wide Cove and Smithy Forge in order to allow time to reconfigure the accommodation and support to offer independent living arrangements and more opportunity to participate in community life. Significant progress had been made since in developing the residents’ life skills and empowering them to take control of their own lives. However, it was clear that the original timescale to establish independent living by 31st March 2010 was over-ambitious and could only be met by Council Officers determining how people should be supported to live their lives; an approach that did not fit with the transformation of adult social care and personalisation of services.
In addition, on the 19th March 2009 the Sub-Committee agreed to extend contracts for residential care at Leahurst and Woodcrofts.
However, due to progress on reviewing the current and future provision of mental health services being ongoing, including consultation with service users to assess their views, the Sub-Committee was requested to extend the Contract for residential care at Leahurst, Wide Cove, Smithy Forge and Woodcrofts for a further year to March 2011.
(1) in the exceptional circumstances set out in the report, for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6 Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9 be waived on this occasion on the basis that the review of the residential services offered in Wide Cove, Smithy Forge, Leahurst and Woodcrofts Residential Homes should be completed to consider the changing needs of learning disabled adults and people with severe and enduring mental health problems. In addition, the existing contract for these services be extended to 31st March 2011 in line with the contracted rate previously agreed by the Board, plus any inflationary uplift in line with that approved by Council in setting the 2010/11 budget;
(2) delegated powers be approved to enable the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health to award contracts to residential care services offered in Glenwood, Holmdale and Bankfield, provided by Community Integrated Care (CIC), recently transferred from the PCT under the Department of Health Directive. The contracted rate initially to be in line with existing rates paid by the PCT and to then be reviewed following actions outlined in the report, plus any inflationary uplift in line with that approved by the Council in setting the 2010/11 budget;
(3) the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Health, be authorised to take such action as necessary, to implement the above recommendations;
(4) a further report be brought to the Sub Committee in September 2010.
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