Agenda item

Performance Management Reports for quarter 2 - 2010/11


The Board considered a report from of the Chief Executive on the 2nd Quarter Performance Management Reports for 2010/11 (July – September) 2010.


Members were requested to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of the 2nd quarter performance management reports on progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services for:


·              Policy and Performance;

·              Legal and Democratic Services;

·              Financial Services;

·              ICT and Support Services;

·              Human Resources;

·              Property Services;

·              Catering and Stadium; and

·              Halton Direct Links.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·        It was noted that the new A-Z guide was completed but was currently awaiting a decision on the number to be printed.  It was reported that a limited number would be printed to make significant savings.  It was suggested that a link to the A-z Guide be established on the website;


·        FSLI3 – Page 111 – It was noted that discussions were ongoing with the Government in respect of the continuance of the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate;


·        It was suggested and agreed that Members should not receive hard copies of the ‘In Touch Magazine’ in the future;


·        Clarity was sought on the contribution to the Stobart Stadium to support operational costs.  In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board;


·        Page 158 – Clarity was sought on the future of the £200,000 school lunch grant which was expected to end as a result of the Comprehensive Spending Review.  In response, it was reported that this information would be circulated to Members of the Board.


RESOLVED:  That the 2nd quarter Performance Management Reports and comments made be noted.



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