Agenda item

Quarter 4 Monitoring Reports


The Board received the Performance Management Reports for quarter 4 of 2010/11 (January to March).


Members were requested to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of the 4th quarter performance management reports on progress against service plan objectives and performance targets, performance trends/comparisons, factors affecting the services for:


·              Policy and Performance;

·              Legal and Democratic Services;

·              Financial Services;

·              ICT and Support Services;

·              Human Resources;

·              Property Services;

·              Catering and Stadium; and

·              Halton Direct Links.


The following points were noted from the discussions:


Policy & Performance


2.0 – Key Developments - Members requested to see the methods of marketing and evidence of the Q4 marketing activities for Widnes market; this would be reported at the next meeting in September.


PPLI 1 – The HSP underspend for 2010-11 was reallocated to the delivery of projects within 2011-12.  A list of these projects was requested and would be sent to all Board members.


PPLI 11 – It was commented that the website working group consisting of several Members, was concentrating on improvements and enhancements to the website.


Legal & Democratic Services


LDSLI 10, 11 & 12 – Targets missed in part due to a high volume of cases, however, customer satisfaction surveys were positive.  Child Care performance data would be fed back to the Children and Young People’s Policy and Performance Board.




3.0 Emerging Issues – Concerns were raised over proposed reforms to welfare rights.  A report had previously been circulated that showed the impact in Halton of the recent changes in Housing Benefit Regulations.  It was agreed that this be circulated to the new Members of the Council.





Environment & Economy


3.0 Emerging Issues – The amount of maintenance and basic need works that was required in 2011-12 within schools would be confirmed.


PYSLI 3 – Statistics regarding the vacation levels and new occupancy levels of Industrial Units would be provided to the Board.


RESOLVED:  That the quarter 4 Performance Management Reports and comments made be noted.



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