Agenda item

Minutes of the Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board


The Council considered the reports on the work of the following Boards in the period since the meeting of the Council on 20 July 2011:-


Children, Young People and Families

Employment, Learning, Skills and Community



Environment and Urban Renewal


Business Efficiency Board


In receiving the minutes, the following comments/observations were made:


·        Councillor Peter Lloyd Jones was advised that details of proposals to establish Free Schools were awaited;

·        Councillor Ellen Cargill was thanked for all her work on the recent Cardiovascular Review;

·        Councillor Tom McInerney made reference to the removal of the Road Safety Grant (minute EUR18 referred); and

·        Councillor Osborne commented on the cost of the Police Crime and Commissioner Elections in 2012 (minute SAF 17 referred).


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