Agenda item

Performance Management Report for Quarter 3 - 2011-12


The performance management reports for quarter three of 2011-12 were presented to the Board by the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources. 


The reports detailed progress against service objectives/milestones and performance targets, and described factors affecting the service for:


  • Policy and Performance;
  • Financial Services;
  • Legal and Democratic Services;
  • ICT and Support Services;
  • HR, Learning and Development;
  • Property Services; and
  • Catering, Stadium and Registration Services.


The Board was requested to consider and raise any questions or points of clarification in respect of these reports.  Members queried the extensiveness of the reports and asked whether or not they could be summarised and focus only on targets that were not being achieved as well as highlighting targets that were achieved. 


Members were reminded that there would be a new reporting system in place next year (2012-13), a report and examples of this had been presented at the Corporate PPB on 6 September 2011 (Minute number 17 refers).   


RESOLVED:  That the second quarter performance management reports be noted.



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