The Board considered a report from the Strategic Director, Policy and Resources, which provided information on the progress in achieving targets contained within the 2011-2016 Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) for Halton.
It was reported that the SCS was a central document for the Council and its partners that provided an evidenced based framework through which actions and shared performance targets could be developed and communicated.
It was noted that in October 2010 the coalition Government announced the end of Government performance management of local authorities through Local Area Agreements (LAAs). Nevertheless, the Council and its partners needed to maintain some form of effective performance management framework to (a) measure progress towards our own objectives for the improvement of the quality of life in Halton; and (b) to meet the Government’s expectation that we would publish performance information. Following extensive research and analysis and consultation with all stakeholder groups including Elected Members, partners and the local community and representative groups, a new SCS (2011-26) was approved by the Council on 20 April 2011.
It was commented that the SCS was a ‘living’ document which would provide sufficient flexibility to evolve as continuing changes within the public sector continued to emerge; it would also be subject to annual review. The Board was advised that further details for each community priority were available on the Intranet.
The Mid Year Progress Report (1 April – 30 September 2011) was appended to the report in Appendix 3, together with Appendix 1: Summary Table of Measures selected for each of the Five Community Priorities, and Appendix 2a to 2e: Further detail for each Community Priority.
RESOLVED: That the SCS Performance Framework 2011-16 and Mid-Year Progress Report 2011-12 be noted.
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