Agenda item

Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust


The Board received a report and presentation from Kate Fallon, Chief Executive Bridgewater NHS Trust regarding their application to become a Foundation Trust. Mr Harry Holden, Chairman of Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Trust was also in attendance at the meeting. The consultation document was appended to the report.


The Board was advised that Bridgewater provided healthcare services in Ashton, Leigh and Wigan, Halton and St Helens, Trafford, Warrington and Community Dental Services in all of the above areas plus Bolton, Stockport, Tameside and Glossop and West Cheshire.


The Board was further advised that Bridgewater was currently seeking views from patients and the public on its plans for becoming a Foundation Trust. The Foundation Trust would have unique governance arrangements which included members (public, patients and staff) and governors (elected by members or nominated by partner organisations).


The presentation:-


·       Explained the range of services that the NHS was responsible for and highlighted that it was about people and the population and the services would be delivered locally;


·       Outlined the Bridgewater footprint;


·       Set out their mission and vision and the challenges that they currently faced in respect of significant social deprivation and the numerous health issues in the Borough such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and smoking etc;


·       Reflected on the changes and challenges in 2006/07 and 2010/11in strengthening care closer to home;


·       Looked forward to the changes and challenges in the future 2016/17 and highlighted the reasons for becoming a Foundation Trust;


·       Outlined the integrated services around practice populations;


·       explained that they were working in partnerships with patients and providers to deliver best value, high quality integrated care, delivering systems savings, providing more care out of hospital, delivering specialist services to vulnerable people and delivering universal services to improve the well-being of populations; and


·       highlighted the potential mutual benefits from partnership and the rationale for seeking Foundation status.


A booklet, ‘Your community healthcare services, your chance to get involved’ was circulated at the meeting.


The following comments arose from the discussion:-


·       It was highlighted that Runcorn had been omitted from the consultation document.  In response, an apology was given and the Board were informed that this matter would be rectified;


·       The role and structure of the Council of Governors was noted. It was also noted that there would be Public, Staff and Partner-appointed Governors elected;


·       It was noted that the NHS were not a profit making organisation and any profits made would be re-invested back into the services;


·       It was noted that as a result of the health reforms, private companies would be looking to provide some of the services in the future.  However, it was also noted that there was a likelihood that as they were a business they would want to ‘cherry pick’ services and only deliver services that  would be profitable; and


·       Clarity was sought on whether there would be consultation events in Widnes and Runcorn.  In response, it was reported that consultation would take place with Runcorn and Widnes residents.




(1)              The presentation and comments raised be noted; and


(2)              Kate Fallon be thanked for her informative presentation.



Supporting documents: