The Strategic Director – Policy and Resources, submitted the performance management reports for quarter four of 2011-12, for consideration by the Board.
It was reported that the report detailed progress against service objectives/milestones and performance targets, and described factors affecting the service for:
§ Policy and Performance;
§ Financial Services;
§ Legal and Democratic Services;
§ ICT and Support Services;
§ Human Resources and Learning and Development;
§ Property Services; and
§ Catering, Stadium and Registration Services
Following consideration of the reports the following points were noted:
§ The improved rate of Council tax collection by direct debits at 70.94% by the end of March 2012 was the highest ever rate to date;
§ Members offered their thanks to the Democratic Services team for their professional conduct during the Local Elections. It was also stated that the Chief Executive’s appointment as the Returning Officer for the Police and Crime Commissioner’s elections in Cheshire, was a reflection on Halton’s excellent reputation in the area;
§ Legal Services were also recognised for securing the renewal of the Lexel and ISO accreditation; it was also noted that at a time when resources were being reduced within the Council, the legal team would undoubtedly face challenges and pressures with future workloads;
§ The new Castlefields Square and Runcorn Library received positive feedback from Members;
§ Information regarding the lack of take up of free school meals in Primary schools to those who were eligible would be sought.
RESOLVED: That the fourth quarter performance management reports be received and comments made be noted.
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