Agenda item

NHS Health Checks - KEY DECISION


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health on NHS Health Checks which sought agreement to vary and extend the current Service Level Agreement with GP’s and Community providers.


The Board was advised that from 1 April 2013, local authorities took over responsibility for the NHS Health Check Programme (the Programme). The Programme was a public health programme for people aged 40-74, and aimed to keep people well for longer. It also aimed to reduce levels of alcohol related harm and raise awareness of the signs of dementia.


It was noted that local authorities were responsible for


·       Commissioning the risk assessment element of the Programme;

·       The monitoring of offers made to complete the NHS Health Check;

·       The monitoring and seeking of continuous improvement in the take- up of the programme;

·       Promotion and branding of the Programme; and

·       Risk management and reduction (Lifestyles intervention)

The Board was advised that commissioning and monitoring the risk assessment element of the Programme was a mandatory public health function, to be funded from the Public Health budget. Details of the arrangements which local authorities must make, were given in the report. In addition, the report also contained information on the risk assessment tests and measures which were to be carried out and details of the proposals for delivery of the Programme within Halton.


Reason(s) for Decision


Local authorities had a statutory duty to arrange for NHS Health Checks to be offered to the eligible population every five years. It was for local authorities to decide how this was managed and who carried out the Health Checks. GP practices were well placed to deliver Health Checks due to their knowledge of, and established relationships with, the practice population. However, the ability to deliver Health Checks in the community, while more problematic in terms of delivery and data protection, offered choice for patients who did not wish to have a Health Check carried out in their GP practice.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected


Not applicable.


Implementation Date


October 2013.


          RESOLVED: That


1)    the requirement to deliver NHS Health Checks be noted and the approach proposed for local delivery set out in paragraph 7 of the report, be noted;


2)    a variation of existing Service Level Agreements with GP Practices and Community providers be authorised, to reflect revised national guidance; and


3)    an extension of the revised Service Level Agreement to 31 March 2016, with an option to extend the agreements thereafter on an annual basis for a maximum of two years, be authorised.


Supporting documents: