The Board received a presentation from Mr John Heritage, 5Borough Partnership and Kate Woods, Cheshire Police which provided Members with an update on Operation Emblem Street Triage.
The presentation:-
· Explained the issue – the increase use of Section 136 of the Mental Health Act across Cheshire; the poor experience of those needing support; the significant inter-agency tension and political anxiety and the resources being deployed in the wrong place for the wrong reason;
· Outlined the Section 136 Mental Health Act and detailed the demand and the impact of the demand;
· Set out the solution and explained how Operation Emblem Street Triage operated; and
· Detailed the outcomes since December 2013 to date and other related outcomes.
It was reported, that due to the success of the scheme in Halton, Cheshire East and Cheshire West had gone live yesterday and Merseyside and Greater Manchester Police were also establishing the scheme.
The Board was advised that the Chief Executive had been very supportive in obtaining funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner. Mr Heritage took the opportunity to place on record their thanks for the support that had been received to date, indicating that the scheme would not have been successful without the support from Halton Borough Council.
The following comments arose from the presentation:-
· Concern was raised that an enhanced CRB check would list anyone who had been detained under a Section 136 of the Mental Health Act and it could not be removed, even if it had been a mistake. In response, it was reported that the Police were challenging this issue nationally with the Home Office, to enable them to be removed wherever appropriate;
· The Board noted that the scheme saved a significant number of resource hours in respect of GP, Police and Social worker time, who prior to the scheme had been involved in undertaking a mental health assessment which was very often not required;
· Clarity was sought on whether the scheme involved veterans or military personnel. In response, it was reported that as a health provider, priority access to mental health services was given to veterans. In respect of the scheme, consideration was being given to working with North West Ambulance Service, as a third person on the team, to provide further support;
· The Board congratulated all concerned for the success to date and indicated that they fully supported the scheme. Clarity was sought on funding for the scheme to continue beyond March 2015 and what the Board could do to further support the scheme. In response, it was reported that it was not an issue in Halton as the Chief Executive and Halton Borough Council were fully committed to continuing the scheme; and
· It was agreed that an update report be presented to the Board in 12 months.
(1) the presentation be received and comments raised be noted;
(2) Mr J Heritage and Kate Woods be thanked for their informative presentation;
(3) the Board place on record their support for the scheme;
(4) thanks and appreciation be given to the Chief Executive and Halton Borough Council for the support given to the scheme to date; and
(5) an update report be presented to the Board in 12 months.
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