The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Environment and the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy seeking approval to use the Council’s statutory powers of compulsory purchase to assist with the comprehensive land assembly needed to achieve the successful development of the Widnes Waterfront Economic Development Zone (EDZ).
It was noted that the EDZ comprised 80 hectares of low quality former industrial land located on the banks of the River Mersey to the south of Widnes Town Centre, which had been designated as a regeneration site of high priority. Funding to bring this land back into full economic use was available until 31st March 2009 using European Funding under Priority 3 of the North West England Objective 2 Programme, Northwest Development Agency Funds and Halton Borough Council monies. The redevelopment proposals were described in the report and outline plans were contained in Appendix D.
Detailed land referencing had taken place to identify the interests to be acquired for the development, and this schedule would form part of a proposed Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). Despite lengthy discussions, it was unlikely that agreement would be reached with all interested parties within a reasonable timescale; therefore the Acquiring Authority had legitimate, deep-seated concerns that it would be unable to comply with the timetable set for the delivery of the scheme unless it pursued a CPO to assemble the land required.
It was considered that there was a compelling case for making the Order in the public interest and this was outlined for Members’ information; however, negotiations would continue with a view to acquiring the properties voluntarily even after the CPO had been made.
The Board was advised that there were two small amendments to the boundaries shown on the plan:
(a) there was an addition of site 17(b) which had been disclosed by the ongoing site referencing; and
(b) the boundary around Tan House Garage on Tan House Lane needed to be revised to reflect the actual ownership.
An amended schedule was tabled outlining these changes.
In addition, it was noted that, following the publishing of the agenda, further comments had been received from Mr Routledge of White Moss Landfill, and Mr Adam Gilson, Company Secretary of British Gypsum-Isover Ltd. These were read out for the Board’s consideration. Officers advised that discussions had been ongoing with both parties for some time and it was hoped that a mutually acceptable solution could be found in order that those properties could be withdrawn from the CPO; this could be done at any time, including after the start of the Public Inquiry.
Reason for Decision
The draft Statement of Reasons (Appendix F) outlined the case and detailed the reasons for making the CPO. In summary, this was to facilitate the comprehensive redevelopment of the area.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
The Council and/or its joint venture partner had contacted and sought to commence negotiations with all the known freeholders and leaseholders to purchase land covered in the Order by agreement. These discussions were ongoing but it was unlikely that agreement would be reached with all parties within a reasonable timescale unless a CPO, to assemble the land required, was made.
Implementation Date
It was anticipated that the CPO would be made within 3 months of the Executive Board decision.
RESOLVED: That with the inclusion of the amendments tabled at the meeting
(1) the Council makes a Compulsory Purchase
Order under Section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the
acquisition of all interests in the land (the Order Land) shown edged red on
the plan attached to the report, Appendix E, for the purposes of facilitating
its development, redevelopment or improvement to secure a comprehensive and
integrated scheme thereby achieving the promotion and improvement of the
economic, social and environmental well-being of the area;
(2) the Council makes a Compulsory Purchase
Order under section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1976 to acquire new rights over the land shown edged blue on the plan attached
to the report, Appendix E, in order to secure the comprehensive redevelopment
of this run down zone;
(3) authority be given to the Strategic Director -
Environment and the Strategic Director - Corporate and Policy, in consultation
with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and
Renewal, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, and the Council
Solicitor, to take all necessary steps to secure the making and confirmation of
the Compulsory Purchase Order and for any other actions necessary to give
effect to the land acquisition and the implementation whether on a voluntary
basis or otherwise;
(4) the Strategic Director - Environment, and the Strategic Director - Corporate and
Policy, in consultation with the Council Solicitor,
be authorised to enter into an Indemnity Agreement with Widnes
Regeneration Limited (WRL) which will indemnify the
Council in respect of all external expenditure concerned with the making and
implementation of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and thereafter
provide for WRL to develop those sites to implement the Widnes Waterfront
Economic Zone in accordance with the principles of the Masterplan;
(5) the CPO not be entered into until the
Indemnity Agreement has been completed to the satisfaction of the Council
Solicitor, the Strategic Director - Environment and the Strategic Director -
Corporate and Policy;
(6) authority be given to the Strategic Director -
Environment and the Strategic Director - Corporate and Policy, in consultation
with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and
Renewal and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, to implement the
Widnes Waterfront Relocation Strategy (Appendix A); and
(7) authority be given to the Strategic Director - Environment and the Strategic Director - Corporate and Policy, prior to making the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), to make such changes as might be necessary to the Order in the light of varying circumstances and information relating to properties/businesses which might be affected by the CPO including if necessary the authority to expand the Schedule 2 rights.
Supporting documents: