Agenda item

Update on Implementation of 'Change for the Better' in Halton


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community providing an update on the implementation of ‘Change for the Better’ in Halton.


It was noted that, at the previous meeting of the Board on 10th July 2006, it was concluded that the proposals regarding the modernisation and redesign of Mental Health Services for Adults for people in Halton, Knowsley, St. Helens and Warrington was a substantial variation in the provision of mental health services and, as such, subject to joint scrutiny by Halton, Warrington and St. Helens Borough Councils. Consequently, a number of joint meetings had taken place between July and November 2006 with a final meeting scheduled for 19th April 2007. An appendix to the report gave an update on the successes and achievements to date and Mr. Ray Walker attended the meeting to give a presentation on the items listed in the appendix.


The Board considered the following issues:


§       builders were on site at the Brooker Centre – they were expected off-site at the end of the month at which time there would be two single sex wards;

§       day hospital closures had been part of the original consultation - it was intended that more appropriate care be provided in appropriate settings;

§       people aged over 65 who required care would receive this on single sex wards;

§       older and younger people had been located together in some wards and no problems had been experienced with this to date;

§       services were now open to people irrespective of age; for example, “Crisis Resolution”;

§       a joint working group was looking at the provision of medication by GPs - this was expected to be in place within the next three to six months with GPs managing 8 – 10 patients each;

§       the majority of people would be treated within the Borough; however, some services were so specialist that patients would have to travel elsewhere, for example people who had offended and required a medium secure unit would need to be located at St Helens as this was the nearest facility;

§       staffing had been enhanced to allow training and practice to take place in a structured way;

§       there had been a change in respect of psychologists so that there was a change of focus in line with national evidence;

§       there were two types of eating disorders – one was managed at GP level and the other, when at specialist level, outside of the Borough;

§       evidence around psychosis showed that early intervention meant a better outcome in the long term;

§       work would be taking place to improve the Crisis Intervention Home Service to avoid having to admit patients to hospital; however, if it was felt that non-admittance was not safe, the patient would be admitted and the team would then work with that person with the aim of discharging them.


The Chairman thanked Mr. Walker for attending the meeting and outlined her concerns about the pace of change in respect of the provision of medication, which was considered to be too fast. Mr. Walker confirmed that  he would ensure that this point was addressed in detail in the report.


RESOLVED: That the update be received.

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