The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.
Officers advised that since the publication of the agenda several updates were available and referred Members to the published AB Update List where these were explained in detail. Since the publication of this Members were advised that comments had now been received from Natural England confirming that additional information was required with regards to potential impacts on European protected sites and the need to carry out an assessment under the Habitats Regulations.
In light of the above requirements, Officers requested that delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair, to make the decision once the Habitats Regulation Assessment had been completed by MEAS and any potential effects appropriately mitigated; subject to the normal tests being carried out; and to add any conditions required as a result of the above mentioned assessment.
Members queried the potential uses for the units; it was confirmed that they would fall into the B1, B2 and B8 classes which would be consistent with other units in the area. With regards to queries regarding the land being contaminated, Officers confirmed that a phase one site investigation had been carried out and further survey work would be undertaken to inform any remediation and validation as required by condition listed within the recommendation.
After consideration of the information before them the Committee agreed that delegated authority be granted to the Operational Director to determine the application as discussed above and that it be subject to the conditions below and any additional conditions required following receipt of the Habitats Regulation Assessment.
a) delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, to determine the application, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Development Control Committee, once all outstanding issues have been resolved; and
b) that any planning permission be subject to conditions relating to the following and any additional conditions as required:
1. Standard 3 year timescale for commencement of development (BE1);
2. Specifying approved/amended plans (BE1);
3. Materials condition, requiring external finishing materials be carried out as approved (BE2);
4. Implementation of proposed site and finished floor levels (BE1);
5. Landscaping condition requiring implementation of landscaping scheme (BE1);
6. Boundary treatment condition(s) requiring fencing etc be carried out as approved (BE22);
7. Pre-commencement survey for invasive plant species;
8. Drainage details/strategy to be implemented (UU surface water condition) (PR16);
9. Foul water drained on separate system (PR16);
10. Conditions relating to further detailed site investigation; risk assessment; remediation strategy/verification (PR14/15);
11. Piling using penetrative methods shall not be carried out other than with written consent (EA applied);
12. No drainage for the infiltration of surface water to the ground (EA applied);
13. In accordance with Arb Method Statement (BE1);
14. In accordance with ecological appraisal (GE18);
15. Cycle storage details and implementation (TP6);
16. Bin screen details (BE1);
17. Vehicle access, parking, servicing etc. to be constructed prior to occupation/commencement of use (BE1);
18. Submission and agreement of Site Waste Management Plan (WM8);
19. Pollution control plan;
20. Hours of operation (BE1); and
21. No outdoor storage (E5).