The Board received a report from the Strategic Director – People, which introduced the conclusion to the scrutiny review of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
The findings of the scrutiny review were presented in a report – Health Policy and Performance Board Scrutiny Review of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Report January 2020, which was attached as appendix 1 to the report. Within this report were the meeting minutes and presentations that took place over the scrutiny review for the information of all Board Members.
The overall conclusions and recommendations of the review were presented to the Board and Members were requested to endorse these for referral to the Executive Board.
Members considered the suggested topics that had been identified for consideration for scrutiny during the next Municipal year. After a vote, it was agreed that ‘The GP Hub – Integration of Adult Social Care with GP practices (One Halton)’ would be the topic group for next year.
RESOLVED: That the Board
1) endorses the recommendations of the scrutiny review and agrees that these be referred to the Executive Board; and
2) agrees that the scrutiny topic for the next Municipal Year be ‘The GP Hub – Integration of Adult Social Care with GP practices (One Halton).’
Supporting documents: