Agenda item

- PLAN NO. 07/00072/FUL - Demolition of existing buildings and re-development to form mixed-use development comprising 400 square metres of commercial space (A1/A2/B1 Use Classes) together with 77 No. one and two bed apartments with car parking and landscaping to 79-83 High Street, Runcorn


            The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.   It was noted that the Environment Agency had no objections, in principle to the proposed development and recommended conditions relating to


a)     contaminated land desk survey;

b)     drainage (two conditions); and

c)      demolition.


            United Utilities had confirmed that they raised no objections to the proposals.


            A letter of objection had been received from a neighbour, details of which were outlined in the report. In addition, it was advised that the Theatre Trust; Cinemas Association; and the Manchester Ship Canal Co. had also objected. Mr Diggle, the applicant’s agent, attended the meeting and spoke in favour of the proposal.


            Mr Renison, Senior Planning Officer, confirmed that the Manchester Ship Canal Co’s concerns had been addressed by the proposed condition 15. In addition, it was advised that the developer had undertaken a survey of the façade and it had been concluded that to maintain it would be complex and could not be guaranteed. Although some Members expressed their disappointment in this, it was noted that that the previous proposal was no longer before the Committee and it was considered that the current proposal would continue the renovation of the canal side.


(NB Councillor Morley requested that it be minuted that he was a Member of the Bridgewater Canal Trust. Councillor Morley was advised by the Legal Officer present that he did not need to declare a personal interest in this respect.) 


            RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the following:


A) The applicant entering into a legal agreement in relation to the payment of a commuted sum for the:


1.      Provision and improvement of off-site open space;

2.      Provision of Bridgewater Way towpath improvement scheme;

3.      Provision of an off-site local tree planting scheme; and

4.      Provision of off-site highway and streetscape works.


B)       Conditions relating to the following:


1.      Condition specifying amended plans (BE1);

2.      Materials condition, requiring submission and approval of materials to be used (BE2);

3.      Provision of appropriate waste and recycling bins for use by the occupiers and facilitation of recycling through the provision of recycling separation bins within every kitchen (BE1);

4.      Submission and agreement of both a hard and soft landscaping scheme including replacement trees (BE2);

5.      Submission and agreement of an external lighting scheme (BE2);

6.      Prior to commencement a noise survey shall be submitted with appropriate remediation measures and approved by the Council (BE1);

7.      No installation of satellite dishes or other antenna without further approval (BE2);

8.      Vehicular entrance gates must be set back at least 5.5 metres from the carriageway edge and electrically operated by remote control (TP17);

9.      Construction traffic wheel cleansing facilities to be submitted and approved in writing (BE1);

10. Reconstruction of main highway following drainage and utilities connection to satisfaction of the Council (TP17);

11. Dropped crossings with tactile paving should be installed at all appropriate desire line points to the satisfaction of the Council (TP17);

12. Submission and agreement of shop front façade, including standardised advertisement design, and incorporation of internal see-through lath shutters (BE2);

13. Boundary Treatments will be submitted and approved in writing (BE22);

14. Prior to commencement structural elements of the scheme which may have an implication for the integrity of the Highway is subject to HBC’s formal process for the technical approval of highways structures (TP17);

15. Prior to commencement the Council requires that they have sight of, and opportunities to comment on, the protective measures to be undertaken by the developer in respect of the canal and its towpath during demolition and construction and in the longer term (GE29);

16. Restriction of Retail (A1) to sale of non-food goods only (TC10 and TP17);

17. Restriction of Business (B1) to B1a only (BE1);

18. Construction and delivery hours to be adhered to throughout the course of the development (BE1);

19. Submission and approval of a sustainable design and construction method statement demonstrating how the Sustainability Statement set out with Appendix A of the Design and Access Statement has been incorporated at the detailed design stage (BE2);

20. Prior to commencement construction and delivery route to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority (BE1);

21. Prior to commencement a scheme of building recording of 79 High Street is undertaken to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (BE1);

22. Site investigation for contamination, including mitigation, to be submitted and approved in writing by the Council (PR14);

23. Surface water drainage from car park areas shall pass through a suitable oil interceptor - roof water shall not pass through the interceptor (GE29);

24. Prior to commencement submission and approval of a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water (BE1);


C) That if the legal agreement is not executed within a reasonable period of time, authority is delegated to the Operational Director - Environmental and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Chairman or Vice Chairman, to refuse the application on the grounds that it fails to comply with UDP Policy S25 Planning Obligations; and


D)    Extra conditions relating to:


·        secure cycle spaces;

·        provision of vehicle access;

·        site level;

·        opening hours;

·        delivery hours;

·        residential car parking - to be provided on an allocated basis, one per dwelling, and the dwellings marketed as such – to be included as part of the S106 agreement; and

·        a Grampian condition regarding scheme/forecourt improvement.