Agenda item

- PLAN NO. 07/00111/OUT - Outline application with all matters reserved for the development of up to 320 residential dwellings to the land at Sandymoor South, Runcorn.


            The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site. It was noted that comments had been received from residents, details of which were outlined in the report. In addition, it was reported that the Environment Agency had withdrawn its objection.


            The Committee was advised that the application had to be referred to Government Office: subject to it not being called in, a decision notice would be issued.


            RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to conditions relating to the following:


1.            Reserved matters condition for the submission of and approval prior to the commencement of development (in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Act 1990);

2.            Time limit for the submission of reserved matters (in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Act 1990);

3.            Time limit for the commencement of development (in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Act 1990);

4.            Reserved matters to be submitted and carried out as approved (in accordance with the Town & Country Planning Act 1990);

5.            The number of final dwelling dependant upon the scheme satisfying all the conditions and restrictions imposed on the outline permission (H2, BE1 and BE2 – New Residential Guidance and Sandymoor Masterplan SPD);

6.            Prior to commencement the provision of an agreed traffic calming system to be provided along Walsingham Drive (BE1 and TP17);

7.            Prior to commencement the details of vehicle access to be agreed (including off site works) (BE1 and BE2);

8.             Prior to commencement written details and agreement of construction vehicle access routes and construction car parking (BE1);

9.            Development to be in accordance with the approved design guide where this does not conflict with Council policy (H2, BE1 and BE2, New Residential Guidance and Sandymoor Masterplan SPD);

10.       Suitable provision of car parking including disabled parking in accordance with Council policy (BE1 and BE2);

11.       Prior to commencement provision of pre-development site levels and proposed finished floor levels (BE1);

12.       Existing tree survey and measures for protection during construction (BE1 and GE27);

13.       Prior to commencement detailed landscaping scheme to be submitted and approved (BE1 and GE27);

14.       Prevention of any tree felling without consent (BE1 and GE27);

15.       Prior to commencement terrestrial habitats survey and necessary mitigation measures (BE1, GE21 and GE25);

16.       Prior to commencement a scheme of protective measures for wildlife during the course of construction to be submitted and approved (BE1, GE21 and GE25);

17.       Prior to commencement a survey for ground nesting birds to be submitted and approved (BE1 and GE21);

18.       Prior to commencement provision of a scheme showing 6m wide strip between the proposed development and Sandymoor Main Ditch to be approved and implemented prior to commencement (BE1 and GE21);

19.       Prior to commencement provision of scheme of boundary treatment and landscaping scheme to Sandymoor Main Ditch to be approved and installed prior to commencement on site (BE1 and GE21);

20.       Prior to commencement provision of mitigation scheme for great crested newts to be implemented prior to commencement on site (BE1 and GE21);

21.       Prior to commencement ground investigations for potential pollutants and remediation scheme where necessary (BE1 and PR6);

22.       Prior to commencement provision of a drainage scheme to be submitted and approved (BE1);

23.       Prior to commencement details of protection during development of adjacent woodland to be submitted and approved (BE1, GE21 and GE27);

24.       Prior to commencement provision and use of wheel cleansing facilities during course of construction to be submitted and approved (BE1);

25.       Restricted hours of development and deliveries related to development during construction period (BE1);

26.       Provision of required bin storage facilities for all individual dwellings at developer’s expense (BE1).