Agenda item



The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which provided information on the scope of the follow up Business Perceptions Survey commission through the Employment, Learning & Skills SSP as part of the 2007/08 commissioning process.


The Board was advised that a further more comprehensive survey had been commissioned to build on the initial survey and to begin to evaluate some of the training provision undertaken since the first survey (including Train to Gain).  In addition the survey would explore some of the skills and employment issues within the key growth sectors in the Borough as well as considering the implications the new Mersey Gateway would have on skills and Employment.


The Board was further advised that the tendering process would take place in August and the process of undertaking the survey would commence in September/October 2007.  The findings of the survey would be reported back to the Board during Quarter 4.


In this respect, the Members were requested to consider the scope of the project.


In addition, the Board discussed and considered the following points:-


1)                 The funding mechanisms in relation to Level 1 and Level 2 NQV’s and the differences in the levels was noted;


2)                 The differences between academic achievements and NVQ’s was discussed and noted;


3)                 It was suggested that more details were required on how the data set out in the survey had been completed.  It was also acknowledged that some of the results were contradictory;


4)                 That the authority was in a good position to take the lead and provide tailor made training packages to local employers;


5)                 That an A4 sheet containing the National Skills Curriculum Framework could be attached to the proposed survey;


6)                 In relation to funding, it was suggested that employers could be encouraged to put procedures in place to enable people to have the opportunity to claim a grant for training;


7)                 It was agreed that the commissioned survey before it was sent out to employers for completion, be presented to the next meeting of the Board for consideration;


8)                 It was noted that 96% of employers had indicated that they would be willing to pay for all or part of the employees training;


9)                 The Council’s apprenticeship scheme could be reviewed over the next few months with a view to maximising the scheme in the Borough;


10)             Concern was raised re the safety of trainees that had been placed with inexperienced trainers;


11)             That a set of questions related to apprenticeships be established; and


12)             A revised report be circulated to Members of the Board for comments before it is presented to the next meeting on 10th September 2007.


The Chairman asked for nominations for the two new topic groups that would be commencing in the near future, Creating Local Jobs Through Procurement and Skills Identifying the Needs of Businesses.   He indicated that the meetings would take place in the early evening and dates would be circulated shortly.




(1)               The comments raised above be noted / actioned as appropriate;


(2)               the commissioned survey be presented to the next meeting of the Board for consideration before it is sent to employers;


(3)               the Council’s apprenticeship scheme be reviewed over the next few months with a view to maximising the scheme in the Borough;


(4)               a revised report, that takes account of the points set out in 1 – 12 above, be circulated to Members of the Board for comment before it is presented to the next meeting on 10th September 2007; and


(5)               the following Members be nominated on the new topic groups as follows:-


i) Creating Local Jobs Through Procurement


Councillors:  Jones, Blackmore, Findon, Fraser and Howard; and


ii)                  Skills Identifying the Needs of Business


Councillors:  Jones, Findon, Fraser, Howard, Rowe and Stockton.

Supporting documents: