Agenda item

20/00573/FUL - Proposed erection of 48 dwellings together with car parking, landscaping, roads, footways, drainage infrastructure (including attenuation pond) and associated works on land opposite Stalbridge Drive, Runcorn, WA7 1LY


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


It was reported that since the publication of the report the applicant had made some minor amendments to the proposal layout, to address reservations made by the Highways Authority.  These were described in the published AB Update List, together with details of the ‘Be Lean – Energy Efficient Design Measures’ that were being used by the applicant.


Officers also recommended an additional condition to those listed, shown at number 22 below.


The Committee was addressed by Bernadette Tarry, Clerk to the Sandymoor Parish Council, who on behalf of local residents, outlined three main areas of concern:


·         The application address was land opposite Stalbridge Drive. Could it be confirmed that, although the development of the site was opposite Stalbridge Drive, there would be no vehicular access from Stalbridge Drive;

·         Access for emergency vehicles from Keckwick Lane. This lane had poor visibility and was a narrow lane used by cyclists and pedestrians. Could a flashing signal be installed when the lane was being used by emergency vehicles;

·         It appeared on the plans that the existing natural screening/hedgerow near to the bridal path was to be removed. As part of the development there needed to be a scheme to reinstall the existing plantation/hedgerow in this area.


            In response, Officers confirmed that the site address had now been updated. There would be no vehicular access from Stalbridge Drive and, with regards to emergency link onto Keckwick Lane, access would be for blue light services and potential temporary use by residential traffic if highway maintenance works on site deemed its use necessary. If that is to be the case,  control measures, such as Temporary Traffic Management, would be put in place to prevent the access point being used as a rat run and materials are to be agreed and of a type so that it did resemble an access point per se. In respect of the concern regarding landscaping, existing boundary treatments would be retained. Officers would report to Members and the Parish Council regarding boundary treatment conditions.


The Committee agreed that the application be approved, subject to the conditions listed below.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the following:


a)    the entering into a legal or other agreement relating to securing financial contribution towards the deliver costs of local infrastructure.


b)    conditions relating to the following:


1.    Standard time limits condition (BE1);

2.    Approved plans condition (BE1 and TP17);

3.    To be carried out in accordance with acoustic report and mitigation measures;

4.    To be carried out in accordance with Flood Risk Assessment, associated mitigation measures and drainage strategy (PR16 and CS23);

5.    Detailed design and management details of drainage system (PR16 and CS23);

6.    Submission and agreement of a submission of a construction traffic management plan which will include wheel cleansing details, hours of construction and deliveries (BE1);

7.    Submission and agreement of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (BE1, GE21 and CS20);

8.    Existing and proposed site levels (BE1 and BE2);

9.    External facing materials (BE1 and BE2);

10. Conditions for landscaping, pond details, planting, management and maintenance, replacement planting (BE1);

11. Breeding bird season protection (GE21 and CS20);

12. Submission, agreement and implementation bird and bat boxes scheme (GE21 and CS20:

13. Submission, agreement and implementation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points Scheme (CS19);

14. Parking, access and servicing provision (BE1);

15. Ground investigation report, mitigation measures and validation (PR14 and CS23);

16. Foul and surface water on a separate system (PR16 and CS23);

17. Submission, agreement and implementation of a waste audit/site waste management plan (WM8);

18. Shall be carried out in accordance with Aboricultural Impact Assessment and tree protection measures (BE1, GE2, and CS20);

19. Submission, agreement and implementation of external lighting scheme (BE1, GE21 and CS20);

20. Submission, agreement and implementation of Reasonable Avoidance Measures (RAMs) for badger and hedgehogs (BE1, GE21 and CS20);

21. Submission, agreement and implementation of invasive species method statement (BE1, GE21 and CS20); and

22. Approval of construction details for the proposed roads, footways, emergency access on Keckwick Lane and the proposed bridleway, and securing their implementation.




c)    that if the S106 Agreement or alternative arrangement was not executed within a reasonable period of time, authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee to refuse the application.

Supporting documents: