Agenda item

21/00161/FUL - Proposed demolition of the existing vacant office building and the erection of apartment block and townhouses totalling 153 no. dwellings (use class C3) a 66 no. bedroom care home (use class C2) and an 85 no. bedroom hotel (use class C1) with associated hard and soft landscaping and parking at East Lane House, East Lane, Runcorn, WA7 2UR


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the report one additional objection had been received, this was read out to the Committee.  The applicant had confirmed that the off-site payment relating to open space and affordable housing was accepted by them.  It was noted that Natural England (NE) had been notified of the Applicant’s agreement to the obligation and a response was awaited.  Therefore, delegated authority was requested to issue the decision following confirmation that NE has no objections to the proposal.


The Committee was addressed by Ms Goff, the Agent representing the Applicant, who spoke of the benefits to the proposal.  These included inter alia:


·         the site had been vacant for 12 years and had a detrimental impact on the area;

·         the proposal provided an opportunity to develop high quality dwellings which would contribute to the housing targets in the Borough;

·         the proposal included a 25% affordable housing ratio;

·         a Section 106 contribution would be made for open space improvements;

·         no objections were received from statutory consultees;

·         positive feedback had been received from publicity given to the application; and

·         the scheme would have economic, social and environmental benefits, providing employment and attracting investment and economic growth in the Borough.


Clarification was provided for Members over condition (c).  The Committee agreed that the application be approved subject to the response from Natural England.


RESOLVED:  The Committee agreed that the application be approved subject to the conditions listed below and receipt of confirmation of no objections from Natural England.


a)    a Legal or other appropriate agreement relating to securing financial contributions to open space;


b)    conditions relating to the following:


1.    Time limit – full permission;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Restriction of use;

4.    Submission of Proposed Site Levels (BE1);

5.    Submission of Facing Materials (BE1 and BE2);

6.    Submission of Soft Landscaping Scheme and subsequent maintenance (BE1);

7.    Implementation of Submitted Boundary Treatments Scheme and subsequent maintenance (BE1);

8.    Breeding Birds Protection (GE21 and CS20);

9.    Submission of Bird Boxes Scheme (GE21 and CS20);

10. Lighting Scheme to protect ecology and to consider safety (GE21 and CS20);

11. Hours of construction (BE1);

12. Electric Vehicle Charging Points Scheme (CS19);

13. Noise condition in respect of implementing recommendations in the report (PR8);

14. Implementation of Remediation Strategy and submission of Validation Report (PR14 and CS23);

15. Implementation of off site highway works (BE1);

16. Provision and retention of parking and servicing including Electric Vehicle spaces (BE1 and TP12);

17. Cycle parking scheme to be implemented (BE1 and TP6);

18. Implementation of travel plan (TP16);

19. Implementation of a Drainage Strategy, including SUDS and verification report (PR16 and CS23);

20. Found and surface water on a separate system (PR16 and CS23);

21. Waste audit (WM8);

22. Requiring the climate change standards to be met;

23. Resident information pack in relation to impacts on protected sites;

24. Provision of the appropriate bat licence;

25. Submission of CCTV scheme;

26. Provision and implementation of car club;

27. Implementation of a car parking management plan; and

28. Construction phase management plan.




c)    that if the S106 Agreement or alternative arrangement was not executed within a reasonable period of time, authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee, to refuse the application.


Supporting documents: