Agenda item

Plan No. 07/00122/OUT - Outline application (with all matters reserved) for Residential Development up to a maximum of 355 No. Dwellings at Castlefields Avenue East, Runcorn


            The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.  No comments had been received from local residents.


            RESOLVED: That subject to the Secretary of State not calling the application in, authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Environmental and Regulatory Services to proceed with necessary footpath and highway closures and to approve the application in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee subject to conditions relating to the following.


1.      Development to be carried out in accordance with a phasing agreement.

2.      Reserved matters condition, for the submission of and approval prior to the commencement of development.

3.      Time limit for the submission of reserved matters.

4.      Time limit for the commencement of development.

5.      Reserved matters to be submitted and carried out as approved.

6.      Materials condition, requiring the submission and approval of the materials to be used.

7.      Drainage condition, requiring the submission and approval of drainage details.

8.      Landscaping condition, requiring the submission of both hard and soft landscaping including tree planting

9.      Tree survey to be submitted and replacement planting to be agreed in writing.

10. Site investigation, including mitigation to be submitted and approved in writing.

11. Boundary treatments to be submitted and approved in writing.

12. Wheel cleansing facilities to be submitted and approved in writing.

13. Details of disabled access and parking to be submitted and approved in writing.

14. Details of a scheme and implementation of surface water regulation systems to prevent the increased risk of flooding.

15. Construction and delivery hours to be adhered to through the course of the development.

16. Vehicle access, parking etc to be constructed prior to occupation of properties.

17. Cycle parking and bin storage to be provided.

18. The development in respect of any phase (plots 1, 2a, 2b and 2c) can commence providing all relevant conditions are complied with in relation to that phase.

19. Submission and agreement of a habitat creation and restoration scheme to mitigate the loss of the SINC.

20. Requiring wildlife/ecology survey to include amphibians, water voles, bats and great crested newts including scheme of mitigation.

21. Securing adequate protection of trees to be retained throughout construction.

22. Requiring targeted trial trenching for archaeological features in accordance with a scheme submitted to and agreed by the local Planning Authority and mitigation as required.

23. Agreement of structural details of any retaining walks.

24. That all residential development should comply with the Council’s Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance.

25. That residential development shall provide a positive and active frontage to the Bridgewater Canal.  Town Lake and all areas of public open space and vehicle/ pedestrian routes.  That the development shall provide pedestrian orientated treatment to include adequate stand off zones from and landscape boulevard treatment to the North bank of the Bridgewater Canal.

26. Requiring a scheme of off site highway improvements to provide safe and adequate highway and pedestrian access to Plot 1 including improvements to the junction of the Former busway with the Astmoor Spine Road, to secure the structural stability of any retaining structures and bridges and means of emergency access.

27. Requiring provision of pedestrian links, cycleway and designated greenways.

28. Requiring submission and agreement of details relating to site and finished floor levels.

29.  Limiting the height of any development on any plot or parcel to those detailed in the approved plan 0011 rev B.