Agenda item

22/00004/FUL - Proposed development of a two storey special education needs and disability school (SEND) (use class F), as well as hard and soft landscaping, multi-use games area (MUGA) and sports pitches, creation of on-site car parking and creation of new vehicular access on land at Naylor Road, Widnes, WA8 0BS


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the agenda the applicant had provided updated plans that showed minor alterations around the site entrance on Naylor Road, as described in the published AB list.  It was noted that the sports/recreational facilities were to be designed to the Department for Education’s standards, rather than Sports England’s requirements, as these would need to be designed to meet the requirements of a SEND school.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Doyle, who spoke on behalf of the local community.  He stated that the community were not objecting to the School itself but the location of it.  He also advised the Committee that:


·         The local community had been ignored by the applicant and they were left bemused by the poor conduct of them, having no regard for local residents and their requests for meetings;

·         He claimed that the applicant displayed a lack of respect and regard for the planning process and this Committee, as they had already set up a website and recruited staff for the School, thus predeterming the decision of the Committee;

·         Development of this land would result in the loss of green space and the loss of a field used by local communities;

·         Councillor Wall had made objections; he quoted these;

·         The application was contrary to planning policies;

·         No consideration has been given to alternative Council owned land sites such as the St John Fisher School field;

·         Road safety would be impacted; and

·         The access to the nursery car park would be affected.


He requested that the Committee ask for the application plans and traffic plans be reviewed before making a decision.


Members were addressed by Mr Spencer from Nexus Planning Ltd, the agents for the Department for Education.  He emphasised the need for an educational facility for children with special needs in the area.  He stated that:


·         The School would offer 64 places and a range of facilities including a games/sports hall;

·         No objections had been received during the consultation period;

·         NPPF added great weight to the need to create schools;

·         This application was policy compliant and all technical considerations had been met;

·         Although the land was currently left open it was private land;

·         There were other nearby parks for communities to use; and

·         The environmental management plan ensured that the School building position was set back from residents’ properties and the playing fields were at the rear of the site.


Clarity was provided to Members on the potential for revision of plans and traffic capacity within the area.  It was commented that the boundaries for the proposal were fixed and the Local Development Plan allocated this site for educational purposes.  Highway safety was looked at in detail, taking into consideration how a SEND school would operate; officers provided details.


After debating the application, hearing speakers’ comments and officers’ responses to questions, the Committee agreed that the application be approved.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    Standard 3 year permission;

2.    Condition specifying plans (GR1 and GR2);

3.    Bird nesting boxes scheme (CS(R)20 and HE1);

4.    CEMP and additional reasonable avoidance measures (GR2, CS(R)20 and HE1);

5.    Lighting scheme (GR2, CS(R)20 and HE1);

6.    Implementation of cycle parking provision (C1 and C2);

7.    Electric vehicle charging points scheme (C1 and C2);

8.    Vehicle access and parking to be constructed prior to commencement of use (C1 and C2);

9.    Method statement for invasive species (CS(R)20 and HE1);

10. Tree report and tree protection measures (CS(R)20 and HE1);

11. Foul and surface water on a separate system (HE9);

12. Drainage condition(s) to include culvert survey, final drainage strategy and validation (HE9);

13. Levels (GR1);

14. Landscaping condition(s) including replacement tree planting (GR1); and

15. Waste audit (WM8).



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