Agenda item

Out of Borough School Admissions Scrutiny Topic


The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Children and Young People which presented the findings from the Out of Borough School Admissions Overview & Scrutiny Group.


The Chairman reported that during discussions with the young people they had highlighted that Council services could be more user friendly for young people, and in this respect they were less likely to access the services.  He suggested that this could form a future topic group and reported that he would also be presenting topic group suggestions to the next meeting of the Board.


Arising from the discussions, the following comments were noted:-


·        The implications of pupils accessing education outside of the Borough and that the Authority received £4,000 for every pupil in education in the Borough was noted.  It was also noted that the Authority were currently looking at how many pupils were going into private provision.  It was requested that this information be sent out to Members of the Board;


·        The process of the first and equal preference system for schools was discussed and the advantages and disadvantages to both systems noted.  It was also noted that, due to legislation, the equal preference system would come into effect next year;


·        It was suggested that earlier intervention would help to raise the profile of the schools in Halton and that the questionnaire could be sent to parents earlier to obtain and indication of their preferences;


·        It was noted that, generally more pupils sought school places outside of the Borough, than into the Borough.  The various reasons for this, such as parental choice, the lack of provision of secondary faith schools in Halton, historical links and geographical issues were noted;


·        It was noted that in 2009 the Government would be introducing targets related to school progress for all young people over two levels;


·        The implications of fewer young people taking a foreign language was noted;


·        It was noted that the profile of the school’s in Halton would need to continue to be raised and the successes and achievements widely promoted;


·        it was suggested that the questionnaire could be sent to parents who are placing their children in schools out of the borough;


·        re the Building Schools for the Future Proposal to have a joint faith school – it was noted that this proposal had received a positive response from the community and the decision for this would be made by the Diocese of Shrewsbury and Cheshire.  It was also noted that some parents preferred their children to attend a faith school;


·        it was suggested that the Authority look at the performance of pupils seeking in and out of borough school places.


The Portfolio Holder, Councillor McInherney commented on the BSF proposal for a joint faith school, the situation relating to in and out of borough school placements and the excellent achievements of the schools this year.  In this respect, he read out a letter he had received from the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, School and Learners, which congratulated the authority on the excellent performance in KS2 results in the three core subjects, English Maths and Science.  The letter indicated that Halton’s results were one of the most improved this year.  Councillor McInherney, took the opportunity to thank everyone who had helped the Authority achieve such excellent results.


The Members of the Board suggested that the letter be circulated in the Members Bulletin and a copy sent to the headteacher at the schools.




(1)                    the report be received;


(2)                    the Board receive an annual monitoring report on Out of Borough Admissions at the primary and secondary transfer stage which will include:-


(i)                 the impact of School Organisation on Out of Borough Admissions at primary to secondary transfer;


(ii)               the financial impact on Halton LA each year of out of borough admissions;


(iii)             the impact of other Local Authorities Admission Arrangements; and


(iv)              the impact upon Out of Borough Admissions following the implementation from September 2008 of the ‘equal preference’ model of allocation of school places against the ‘first preference first’ model;


(3)                    the Building Schools for the Future Secondary School proposals be noted;


(4)                    an annual questionnaire be issued to those parents seeking In and Out of Borough school places; and


(5)                    the Authority look at the performance of pupils seeking in and out of borough school places.

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