Agenda item

22/00130/FUL - The demolition of an existing building and the erection of up to 66 independent living apartments with ancillary support services and communal facilities, together with associated landscaping amenity spaces and car parking on land at 81 High Street Runcorn Cheshire


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the agenda and AB Update List, an additional seven neighbour representations had been received however, none of these raised any issues that had not been already addressed in the report.  The Case Officer advised of two typos on pages 21 and 24 of the report; these were noted.  Members were also advised of two additional conditions that were required, one restricting construction hours and one requiring that noise mitigation be implemented.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Forward, who spoke on behalf of her husband Mr Forward, in objection to the proposal and cited the following inter alia:


·         The proposal would mean the over development of the site, it would be better to build less development and provide more garden space;

·         Not enough parking for the visitors of the residents of the properties;

·         Another characterful building would be lost from the Town Centre;

·         There would be a loss of street scene – a 5 storey building will be out of character with the rest of the area;

·         There was a potential for rodent life to increase;

·         Air pollution would increase from traffic from the 3 surrounding roads and noise pollution would increase from the noise from this traffic;

·         There would be an impact on environmental health matters;

·         The development was not suitable for the over 55’s – there were no gardens/parks in the vicinity; there was a neighbouring nightclub open until 5am where the proposed attenuation measures were unlikely to sufficiently address the associated noise; the swimming pool had closed; and there were no museums or community centres in the area; and

·         Public consultation carried out by the Applicant was questionable.


She concluded by saying that Mr Forward welcomed new developments in the Town Centre but considered this site unsuitable for a development of this nature, and suggested an alternative site on Mersey Road.  She went on to list previous developments in the Town Centre, which in his opinion, were mistakes.


The Committee was then addressed by Mr Chorlton who spoke on behalf of the Applicant.  He commented that, inter alia:


·         This development would provide independent living homes for up to 100 local residents;

·         It would bring into use a long standing brownfield site;

·         The development would bring investment and jobs to the Town;

·         The scheme was designed to facilitate independent living for its residents and would include facilities within it to encourage social interaction;

·         There was a specific need for this type of housing in Halton;

·         The building itself would be constructed from red brick and sand brick, so in keeping with surrounding properties; and

·         The actual footprint of the scheme was smaller than a previous application that was made and approved.


Having considered the application, the Officer’s presentation and speakers’ comments, the Committee agreed that the application be approved subject to the conditions listed and the additional conditions recommended above.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    Time limit – full permission;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Restriction of use;

4.    Implementation of external facing materials (CS(R)18 and GR1).

5.    Submission of landscaping scheme and subsequent maintenance (Policy GR1);

6.    Japanese Knot Weed method statement/validation;

7.    Revised risk assessment and supporting remedial strategy, along with verification reporting upon completion of such remedial activities (HE8);

8.    Electric vehicle charging points scheme (C2);

9.    Parking and servicing provision (C1 and C2);

10. Car park management plan (C2);

11. Off site highway works (C1);

12. Implementation of cycle parking scheme (C2);

13. Residential travel plan (C1);

14. Details of the external buggy store (GR1/C1);

15. Implementation of drainage strategy (Policies CS23 and HE9);

16. Flood evacuation plan (CS23/HE9);

17. Programme of archaeological work (HE2);

18. Sustainable development and climate change scheme (CS(R) 19);

19. Submission and agreement of a site wide waste management plan (WM8);

20. Restricting gates/barriers to the car park entrance;

21. Restriction on demolition/construction hours (HE7); and

22. Noise mitigation implementation (HE7).




Supporting documents: