Agenda item

Minutes of Policy and Performance Boards and the Business Efficiency Board


            The Council considered the reports on the work of the following Boards in the period since the meeting of the Council on 18th July 2007:


Children and Young People

Employment, Learning and Skills

Healthy Halton

Safer Halton

Urban Renewal

Corporate Services

Business Efficiency Board


            In receiving the minutes the following was noted:


·        The Chairman of the Children and Young People Policy and Performance Board (PPB) thanked Councillors for their contribution to the Out of Borough School Admissions Scrutiny Topic (minute number CYP 19 refers), which had formed the basis of Building Schools for the Future.  In addition, the Chairman, and the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, congratulated parents, teachers, staff and pupils on their work, which had resulted in significant improvements at Key Stage 2 and in the number of pupils achieving 5 A* - C in GCSEs.


·        Since the meeting of the Employment, Learning and Skills PPB on 10th September, the Brindley had won the National Lottery Award for the Best Arts Project.


·        A Members’ seminar was to be held in the New Year regarding “Improving Healthcare Access in Halton  - Consultation on: A Healthcare Campus Model” (minute number HEA 17 refers).


·        The Chairman of the Safer Halton PPB advised that, since becoming a Unitary Authority, continuous investment had resulted in the Borough’s roads being safer with 38 less deaths per year. This was due to the hard work of both Members and officers.

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