Agenda item

Business Growth Programme Completion & Business Support Service Launch


The Board received an update on the performance and closure of the Business Growth Programme phase three and were introduced to the Business Support Service (BBS), funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.


The Business Growth Programme was a business support initiative that had been running in three phases since 2014, with phase 3 ending on 30 June 2023.  The report outlined in detail the aim of the Programme, the work carried out with Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) and the challenges faced along the way by the Council and the SME’s.  Members were also presented with the achievements of the Business Growth Programme and noted that performance was 7% above target for the number of businesses supported, despite being impacted by several lockdowns during the pandemic.


Members were advised that the replacement for the Business Growth Programme funding was the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). 


The Council’s Business Investment and Growth Team (together with the other LCR authorities, LCR Growth Platform and LCRCA) would work in partnership to deliver Place Based Business Support using lessons learned from the ERDF Business Growth Programme.  The aim was to deliver business support at the local level through direct commissioned delivery and by linking businesses into the wider SPF programmes and other support initiatives in the LCR.


The following information was provided following Members’ questions:


·         Clarity was provided on the eligibility criteria for the Business Support Service, as there was an error in presentation when one slide was taken in isolation, however it was clarified that the Programme was for new business start-ups that were eligible to use the service as well as established businesses;

·         One specific example of where help was needed was provided by one Member; the contact details would be passed to the Officer following the meeting;

·         Copies of the flyers being used to promote the service would be sent to Members once they were released;

·         A commissioned contractor would provide a dedicated business start role from January 2024;

·         It was suggested to share the information regarding the Service with all departments and staff within the Council and that this should come from the Executive Director;

·         Information on the types of business start-ups and businesses in Halton was requested, to assist Members and help give a better idea of the prospects of them;

·         The person who starts a business did not count towards the employment numbers, as they are not classed as being an employee of that business according to the Combined Authority monitoring criteria for this Programme;

·         Banks were a key source of information for new start-ups and the Council did engage with these at networking events for example;

·         New start ups were informed of the employer’s and employee’s Charter when they employed staff;

·         Business rates were discussed – it was noted that people could work from home using one room and be exempt from paying business rates;

·         The total funding for the BSS was £366k until March 2025, covering all elements of the Programme including commissioned services for start-up and separate consultancy (7 further strands of support) advice for established businesses;

·         The team did work with foreign direct investment whereby businesses locate from overseas, offering advice such as recruitment and legal; and

·         The BSS would provide better value for money – a clearer picture of this would be known by March 2025.  An interim report and update would be brought to the Board in 6 months’ time.


RESOLVED:  That the Board


1)    note the report; and


2)    a progress report be submitted to the Board in 6 months’ time.


Supporting documents: