Agenda item

The Big Conversation Update


The Board received a report of the Chief Executive’s Delivery Unit, which provided an update on ‘The Big Conversation’.


The Big Conversation was about engaging with the public so that they understood the challenges that the Council was facing.  It was an approach between the Council and those who lived or worked in Halton to work together to create an improved Borough in all aspects of everyday life.  A stakeholder analysis and a Communications Plan was developed in order to generate and establish as many opportunities as possible to involve all stakeholders in many different ways.


Members were advised that to date, a total of 1012 responses had been received; a breakdown of these by source was provided.  The report outlined the promotion, consultation and engagement carried out in the community so far.  The themes emerging from the consultation were also presented and any gaps in responses were highlighted, as well as the actions required to fill these.


It was noted that the consultation ends on 30 November 2023, after which an analysis would be undertaken to identify the key priorities.  January and February 2024 would see final consultation with stakeholders via drop-in sessions and community engagement, prior to the Corporate Plan being finalised in March, ready for its launch in April 2024.


The following details were provided following Members questions:


·         In order to address the low number of respondents from the 16-24 age group staff had attended Riverside College and the Family Hubs in Windmill Hill and Kingsway to encourage people to complete the survey;  suggestions on places to visit were still welcomed,  as it was agreed that more responses were needed from this age group;

·         The Operational Director for Education, Provision and Inclusion offered to share the survey again with education stakeholders;

·         It was suggested to visit other colleges such as Priestly in Warrington and Sir John Deane in Northwich, as some students attended these from the Borough – this had been done;

·         Following concerns regarding Windmill Hill residents being lost in the figures for Norton North, staff had been out to the local shops to approach people to complete the survey;

·         One Member suggested a bespoke survey for Councillors – this was  considered impractical as the survey covered a range of priorities for all people to respond to as residents of the Borough;

·         Councillors were invited to complete the survey in the same way as HBC staff and other groups, through the various methods discussed;

·         Ditton Ward did have a low number of responses so an ‘i-walker’ was sent in the community on 4 November;

·         The purpose of the survey was clarified as being able to prioritise and spend money where the residents of Halton had identified and prioritised;

·         It was important not to raise expectations and this was clear from the onset of the project;

·         The determining of priorities would be decided following the analysis of data after the survey was closed.  The information would then be presented to Executive Board for agreement and inclusion in the Corporate Plan; and

·         A suggestion was made to contact ‘Power in Partnership’ with the survey.


RESOLVED:  That the Board


1)    note the report; and


2)    continue to endorse the approach to facilitate ‘The Big Conversation’.

Supporting documents: