Agenda item

20/00476/FUL - Proposed refurbishment of existing Carnegie Library building to provide a new community hub, demolition of Waterloo Centre, erection of new build development of 29 one bedroom supported living/extra care apartments with ancillary facilities, provision of access, parking and landscaping AND 20/00477/LBC - Application for Listed Building Consent for proposed refurbishment of existing Carnegie Library building to provide a new community hub, demolition of Waterloo Centre and remedial works to adjacent listed building. Both at Waterloo Centre & Carnegie Library, Edgerton Street, Waterloo Road, Runcorn, WA7 1JL


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the agenda a further 24 objections had been received for application 20/00476/FUL, citing issues that were addressed through the report.


Members were informed of a correction to the report which referred to the 2015 Direction on arrangements for dealing with heritage applications which should refer to the 2021 Direction, but was not considered to affect the assessment contained within the report.  Members were also reminded of the provisions of paragraph 196 of the Framework which provides that:


“Where there is evidence of deliberate neglect of, or damage to, a heritage asset, the deteriorated state of the heritage asset should not be taken into account in any decision”.


Members were advised that the loss of the non-designated heritage asset building results in a negative factor which must be considered in the overall balance of the decision, however, as stated within the report, that would be outweighed by the outlined benefits.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Goodwin, the Applicant, who introduced Signature Housing Group as a not-for-profit organisation, operating a number of sites in the Country.  In respect of application 20/00476/FUL, he commented that:


·         The proposal made use of a derelict brownfield site;

·         It would provide much needed supported living accommodation, in particular for dementia patients, and includes a community garden;

·         The proposal complied with the policies relating to the development;

·         The site was sustainable, with good public transport links and near the town centre;

·         In its present condition, the Waterloo Centre was not viable and considered to be beyond repair, so should be demolished for safety reasons;

·         In its present state the Waterloo Centre was a risk to the adjoining building, Carnegie Library; and

·         The Council had also determined that due to the dangerous condition of the building, demolition was the only viable option to remove the danger.


In respect of application 20/00477/LBC, he stated that:


·         The refurbishment of the existing Carnegie Library would bring an unused listed building back into use;

·         It would provide a new community hub, housing 3 meeting rooms;

·         The Council’s Conservation Officer has considered the proposal and agreed that was acceptable and ‘would bring the long term vacancy of the building to an end and create a vibrant community hub’; and

·         The scheme will generate a range of benefits for the local community, community groups and individuals.


Members considered the Applications and shared the opinion that it was sad to see the dereliction of the site, considering its history.   They agreed that it would be good for the community to have the Carnegie Library restored so that it could be brought back into public use. 


Questions relating to unmet demand for this type of accommodation and lift provision were responded to.  Members were referred to the plans where the location of the lift was clarified.  It was noted that although there was no evidence of unmet demand, Policy CS(R)12 (2) of the DALP, states that proposals for new specialist housing for the elderly, including extra-care and supported accommodation, will be encouraged in suitable locations, particularly those providing easy access to local services and community facilities.


Officers confirmed that the application was for supported living / extra care accommodation and this being changed in future to HMO accommodation would not be allowed under current permitted development rights.  Questions relating to the conservation adviser responses and parking concerns were also addressed by Officers.


Both Applications were moved and seconded and the Committee agreed to approve them, subject to the conditions listed.


RESOLVED:  That the applications be approved subject to the following conditions:




1.    Time limit;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Use restriction – Community Hub – Use Class F2(b) – Hall of meeting places for the principal use of the local community;

4.    Existing and proposed elevation drawings to show areas of repair and change.  Including elevation drawing of the infill section where link removed between the Carnegie Library and Waterloo House;

5.    Elevation and section of no more than 1:20 of proposed new window to infilled section of the Carnegie Library;

6.    Building recording – Waterloo House;

7.    Archaeological watching brief;

8.    External facing materials;

9.    Implementation of tree protection measures;

10. Boundary treatments scheme;

11. Soft landscaping scheme;

12. Off site highway works;

13. Parking and servicing provision;

14. Electric vehicle charging point scheme;

15. Cycle parking scheme;

16. Construction management plan;

17. Construction hours;

18. Site waste management plan/audit;

19. Demolition between November – February or licensed bat ecologist present;

20. Bat box scheme;

21. Lighting scheme to protect ecology;

22. Breeding bird protection;

23. Bird nesting box scheme;

24. Biodiversity net gain plan;

25. Additional site investigation / Remediation Strategy / Verification reporting;

26. Drainage strategy;

27. Separate system for foul and surface water drainage;

28. Acoustic risk assessment; and

29. Sustainable development and climate change scheme.




1.    Time limit;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Existing and proposed elevation drawings to show areas of repair and change.  Including elevation drawing of the infill section where link removed between the Carnegie Library and Waterloo House;

4.    Updated and detailed schedule or works for each area of work in the Carnegie Library including photographs and methodology;

5.    Elevation and section of no more than 1:20 of proposed new window to infilled section of the Carnegie Library;

6.    Details and drawing of new gate to top of spiral stair and fencing to Egerton Street elevation;

7.    Details of secondary glazing to all windows;

8.    Details of any new doors to be added (internal or external); and

9.    Methodology for vegetation removal.



Supporting documents: