Agenda item

Highway Improvement Scheme A56/A558 Daresbury Expressway Junction


            The Sub-Committee was advised that the rapid development of the eastern Runcorn area was continuing to generate significant traffic growth, resulting in congestion at the junction of the A558 Daresbury Expressway and A56 Chester Road. Halton’s Local Transport Plan described a highway improvement scheme that was designed to increase junction capacity through the introduction of traffic signal control and widening the Expressway, to dual carriageway standard, between this junction and the Daresbury Science Park roundabout. These measures were designed to accommodate the increase in traffic growth due to committed developments identified in the Unitary Development Plan and in particular, to improve access to the Daresbury Science and Innovation Centre in support of continuing business interest. The estimated cost of the scheme was £3.478m which included contract supervision and administration.


            It was noted that when permission for the Daresbury Science and Innovation Centre was granted, it was subject to a Section 106 agreement. In order to satisfy the terms of the 106 agreement, the following scheme had to be implemented:


replacement of the roundabout at A56/Daresbury Expressway junction with traffic signals; the dualling of the carriageway between the A56 and the new roundabout on the Daresbury Expressway; and traffic movement restrictions on Keckwick Lane at the junction with A56.


            It was reported that funding for the scheme had been secured from the following sources:


Local Transport Plan       £650,000

ERDF Objective 2       £658,500

NWDA Section 106 Contributions

(Daresbury Innovation Centre)       £185,000

English Partnerships (EP) contributions       £250,000


                        Total                        £1,743,500


            Therefore balance of funding needed to deliver the full scheme was £1,734,500. The ERDF contribution was dependent upon works being completed by June 2008 in order that final payment claims could be processed under ERDF regulations. This would allow a first phase of the scheme, the conversion of the junction to traffic signal control, to proceed.


            Further funding from English Partnerships had been secured under a Section 106 planning agreement, tied into the future development of housing within the Sandymoor developments. The agreement contained a schedule of infrastructure and transport related works in the Sandymoor area together with estimated costs including the proposed highway improvements totalling £4.5m at 2005 prices. However, the payment of contributions was dependant upon housing plot completion being in line with an anticipated four to five year programme and it was noted that the initial contribution may not be available until 2008/09.


            In order to meet the timetable for the construction of Phase 1 works, tenders had been invited on the basis of a phased approach, delaying the award of Phase 2 dualling scheme, until funding was confirmed in place. However, there were significant contractual, financial and operational advantages of awarding a contract for the full scheme.


            It was therefore suggested that £1.735m be made available from the Council’s Capital Programme in 2008/09 to enable implementation of the full scheme, until funding from the Section 106 agreement with English partnerships was available. The Council would be reimbursed from contributions paid under the Agreement.


            RESOLVED: That


(1) the Council be recommended to include the scheme in the Capital Programme at a total cost of £3.478m; and


(2) the funding for the scheme, and the fact that it will be undertaken within one contract be noted.

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