Agenda item

Transport Asset Management Plan 2007


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which reviewed the requirements for the production of a Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) and the work carried out to date in its preparation. It was noted that the TAMP would be submitted to the Executive Board with a recommendation of adoption and for approval to be granted to embark upon the valuation phrase of the plan.


            It was noted that well maintained local transport assets, including roads, footpaths, streetlights and street furniture were essential to the delivery of better transport and accessibility, and make an important contribution to the quality and liveability of public spaces.


            The Board was advised that the current Local Transport Plan (LTP) committed the Council to the production of a Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP), designed to demonstrate that it was managing its transport assets effectively. Extensive guidance on the preparation of asset management plans had been published and the TAMP for Halton presented with this report fully met this. There were several key areas in the TAMP including sections on assessing levels of service, future network changes, work programmes, risk management, lifecycle plans and future monitoring of the TAMP.


            It was further advised that the TAMP was aligned with the Council’s Corporate Plan and was supported by various management and operational procedures contained within the Highway Maintenance Strategy. The key information which would be included in the TAMP was detailed within the report.  


            RESOLVED: That the TAMP be noted.  

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