Agenda item

Extensions of short term pilots for Supporting People (SP) & Welfare Services


            The Sub-Committee considered a report which provided an update on Halton’s SP grant allocation for 2008 to 2011, set out the outcomes achieved by the pilot services and sought approval to:


i) extend contracts for pilot services for one year with a potential option to extend for a further twelve months or two years; dependent on the identified need for the service and the timescale of exit strategies; and


ii) to direct spend to fund new short-term developments in order to ensure that the Council minimises the risk of being required to meet the financial strategic objectives of the Council and the Supporting People Strategy.


            It was reported that by 2014 Halton’s SP allocation within the area-based grant could be as low as £6,071,789 (based on allocation at standard deprivation indices and no cross authority adjustment). In anticipation of reduced funding levels, a comprehensive programme of reviews had been carried out to ensure services offered value for money and were strategically relevant.


            As a result, a number of contract values were reduced and the projected spend on contracts for Halton’s 104 permanent Supporting People services was now less than the projected three-year allocation for 2008 to 2011. The implication being that whilst Halton faced a significantly reduced SP grant allocation by 2011, unless spend was increased, particularly in 2008/9, there was a risk of accumulating an underspend.


            Therefore suspension of standing orders was requested in that compliance with standing orders relating to procurement was not practicable within the timeframe established by the confirmation of grant in January 2008 and the expiry of services in April 08 and would result in a loss of services for a significant number of vulnerable people. In addition, it was not practicable due to the urgency to spend the time-limited funding on vulnerable members of our community.  This would mean that the Council would not be able to fulfil its obligations in the Supporting People Strategy. Also, undertaking tender exercises would reduce the time available to spend the grant and compliance would result in the Council having to forego a clear financial benefit, in that, government could claw back any under-spent Supporting People Programme Grant.


            RESOLVED: That


(1) in the exceptional circumstances detailed below, for the purpose of Standing Order 1.6, Procurement Standing Orders 3.1 to 3.7 be waived on this occasion. Compliance was not practicable within the timeframe established by the confirmation of grant in January 2008 and the existing contract expiry date (end March 2008), and would place vulnerable people at risk of loss of service. Compliance was also not practicable for reasons of urgency, in that undertaking tender exercises would reduce the time available to spend the time-limited funding on vulnerable members of our community; and compliance would result in the Council having to forgo a clear financial benefit, in that the Council could be required to return to Central Government any significant sum of under-spent Supporting People Programme Grant from April 2009 onwards;


(2) delegated powers be granted to the Strategic Director Health and Community, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community, to extend contracts for the provision of pilot Supporting People and Welfare Services as approved by the SP Commissioning Body;


(3) delegated powers be granted to the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community, to fund short-term pilots in order to ensure that the Council meets the financial strategic objectives of the Council and the Supporting People Strategy as described in the report; and


(4) the Strategic Director, Health and Community, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Community, be authorised to take such action as may be necessary to implement the recommendations set out above.

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